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Posts posted by caliban

  1. TanyaRC wrote:
    mindyjoy wrote:
    I'm still here, I"m watching some TV

    Hey Mindy .... did you see my post about Pookie??
    inu-kijo wrote:
    WHOOT you gonna watch it wiff me???

    LOVE THAT SHOOOOW *runs around*

    and Tim Gunn, gosh what a handsome gay man! : D

    Love Tim Gunn .... Wish straight men would dress that nice and not be stuck on themselves .... I wish that I could watch it with you , but I am only here for a few more minutes .... I have an early shift tomorrow .... gotta be at work at 7 ....
    caliban wrote:
    inu-kijo wrote:
    Caliban, is he picking on my Tan Tan in my absence??

    Was quite preoccupied writing a LONG e-mail!

    (have to leave at 1:00 to watch Project Runway though!!! ;love:)


    (tnx tanya for pointing me to that one Laughing )

    That is one fo my personal favorites ... this one too ....

    not to bad either these

  2. TanyaRC wrote:
    caliban wrote:

    i think i scared her off....

    was i that rude?!

    who ..... me scared ......

    I have little boys like you for lunch!! :girl_devil:

    me for lunch little btw... im 1m96
    i was talking bout pookie

  3. inu-kijo wrote:
    Caliban, is he picking on my Tan Tan in my absence??

    Was quite preoccupied writing a LONG e-mail!

    (have to leave at 1:00 to watch Project Runway though!!! ;love:)


    (tnx tanya for pointing me to that one Laughing )

  4. TanyaRC wrote:
    mindyjoy wrote:
    Caliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii *tackle*

    Tanya, I hear it's been chilly in FL! I talked to a coworker who said it was getting into the 20s and 30s

    Yes it has been ...... I think the lowest it got here was 16F They ae worried obout our strawberry crop this year ...
    caliban wrote:
    mindyjoy wrote:
    Caliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii *tackle*

    Tanya, I hear it's been chilly in FL! I talked to a coworker who said it was getting into the 20s and 30s

    20s, 30s?! minus? celcius?

    silly boy .... we are F kinda girls ...not C....

    :heat: now....

    what should i think about that....

    u telling me ur not a c but more like an f?
    or more like :shok:?

  5. TanyaRC wrote:
    caliban wrote:
    TanyaRC wrote:
    How have you been?? Staying warm?? Gill and Bee have been having a horrible winter so far..

    been great! warm enough, no colder than -10C 8)
    i know!! gb is having terrible weather

    ha ha ......-10 ......That is cold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    of course I checked the weather the other night at work and it said the airport was -4 C .... That is unusual for us. IMOM has been stuck on trains and waiting for trains, and all sorts of stuff. Gill had an interesting NYE ... I think she wound up spending the night in a train station ... Sad

    oh... Sad

    *sending out warm happy thoughts towards the wnw*

    AshamedAshamed bit slow with sum things...

    nye= new years eve...

  6. TanyaRC wrote:
    Cali !!!

    I ma doing good!! I am so glad that you found us!! We have sure missed the male element here...

    i knew where u girls where at, i just havent had a decent amount of time to come and irritate u all

  7. Zoonie wrote:
    bogie wrote:
    ok must dash, will pop back in once the kids are in bed, love hugs xx

    See you Boogs, I'm going to add you to the glossary,,, new people will wonder what on earth your name's about congratulations

    caliban wrote:
    hehehe my rep is zero!!!

    nothing new there


    Hah! do something to earn some then

    I just wandered off to get my lasagne in the oven!
    Missed the start of Strictly, as my OH was bloomin well channel hopping


    how do i do that?
    :tree: ?
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