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Wish Fairy

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About Wish Fairy

  • Birthday 12/05/1970
  1. Hey guys....finally I made it back here and there's no-one around :-( So, hope you all are ok. Gill - sorry I will reply to your notes very soon, but hope all is ok Frannie - glad to know you're still around and I at least see your wall posts Bee - happy vacation !!!!! BG - where are you and what's going on ? Do you miss the US with Tanya and Kijo etc ? Armell - I miss you a lot !! Nothing much going on here except working and stuff - v. busy! Had a lovely day last week playing in a client golf contest and actually tied my match against a guy who is WAY WAY better than me ! Had a BBQ the following day for 40 people - weather was rubbish though so thank goodness for gazebos and a very large hall and dining room LOL Making a curry tonight - very low fat chicken tikka massala - yummy. So gonna have a beer etc. Cheers everyone - miss you xoxoxox
  2. OMG Tanya - how awesome that you all got to meet. What a really FAB pic. :-)
  3. OK FRANNIE and GILL (and anyone else who cares) LOL Di has posted some pics of our weekend - me doing the crab is there LMAO http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=1368769&id=1471067399&ref=notif&notif_t=photo_reply
  4. ARMELL......COME BACK!! Quite a while since you posted and am just about to have dinner! Hope you had a fab holiday (I posted on your wall!) Never seem to be here at the right time :-( Hope everyone is ok. Must go and sort out dinner. Try to pop back tomorrow! xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  5. Hey All Just dropping in to see how everyone is! (no-one is here, but I hope you are ok). Nothing much to report Had a FAB weekend with Di, G&T and managed to meet up for coffee with Boogs We all went to a kids theme park on Saturday - 5 adults, 4 kids and then had a BBQ with 11 of us on Saturday night. I was exhausted as kids had me doing handstands, cartwheels and the crab in the garden - Di should have some hilarious photos of that !! Gotta go now, have a great week. xoxoxox
  6. OK so I spent 25 mins reading back.......... So, I can see a lot of missing posts, but that seems to be fixed no. Gill - if you come by, so sorry to hear about IMOM's job - very stressful I imagine, especially without any warning of it coming ! Sounds like you have both had a well deserved break at least Tanya - so sorry I wasn;t around for you birthday - am hardly around at all lately and, like Gill, don't spend much time (any) playing really. Hope you had a wonderful day anyway :-) Still very busy here, am hoping it will calm down soon, but it never seems to. Am seeing Di (Boobear) at the weekend - she is coming to visit with G&T so will be cool ...and perhaps we will see the fab Boogie too :-) Hope everyone is ok. Have a great week. xxxxxxxxxxx
  7. Hey everyone.......no-one here right no ?! So, news from me Frannnie - the ice cream is a hat Hope y'all had a fab time meeting up with BG etc. Update me in the "What if we could meet in R/L" thread please Gill - is everything ok with you? I hope you're just taking a break and that nothing is wrong, but miss u anyway. Kijo - sorry for the delay in getting back to you ..I'm struggling to find time to look at anything but work, but 'l get there soon - sorry! Funeral was as good as they get. Very friendly and warm ceremony, but gosh we'll miss him so much - what a fab guy he was! In the thick of it at work at the moment with 3 jobs on the go. Hoping to see Di (Boobear) very soon and also to try to catch up with Nicky / Boogie --eek!! Been gardening and shopping (for food) this weekend. Watching the golf and actualy am gonna play some tomorrow for the first time in 3 months! Hope everyone is doing good and having a peaceful life enjoying summer xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  8. Hey everyone..... to continue in Fran's vein @ Novia - hoe you're doing ok - sorry to have missed you @ Gill- router, house, etc will it ever end for you. Hope you're doing ok apart from that @ Frannie - thanks-all is ok, but funeral Wednesday so travelling to Scotlans tomorrow @ Kijo, Tan, Sophie etc.......hope y'all are having a fab time with each other - so jealous (in a good way) :-) @ Marie - for sure...what's not to like @ Mindy - we always seem to miss each other by just a couple a hours - hope things are good @ Armell - hope the teeth are holding up and if I don't manage to see you before, have a wonderful vacation my friend - perhaps we'll talk when you get back !!
  9. Armell - Hey - I'm just about to go watch a movie, but hope you're ok (apart from the teeth). Hope to see you and chat before you go on vacation
  10. YAY - I'm with Mindy - post pics asap Kijo ! So excited for y'all that you are gonna get to meet up. Hope you al have a wonderful time :-)
  11. Woo hoo BG in califaornia - cool ! sounds like u're having a great time and how cool that you're gonna see Frannie!! Have a fab time you guys
  12. Darn missed everyone again. So excited for BG ..... Gill - where are you - I miss you (whining voice LOL)
  13. You know that's funny cos we were having the same conversation. My hall has 3 cases in it - one hlf full of my work clothes from travelling, the other with OH's from travelling and the one we brought back from Nice the other weekend which still need to be cleaned!! How can we even HAVE so many clothes ??
  14. LMAO - no it's spaghetti bolognese ! Sorry for delay - was on phone re: funeral etc Glad you're here Fran - and thanks for the good wishes (and gift)
  15. Gosh Frannie - darn it - miss you again!! Will check back every few mins (making an early dinner)
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