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About Roboslobin

  • Birthday 07/11/1910
  1. Sorry that took me so long, Frannie. Talk to you later!
  2. It has been a long road but I think he is feeling a bit better lately. He is now tube fed into his tummy until he learns to swallow again (may never happen). Getting used to the tube has been challenging. It is a never ending source if worry/complication/work. I"m trying to find out with our insurance if I can get a "nurse" (not really... a personal care assistant) to help me take care of him some of the time. Since we have no family or friends in the area, I have no one to help me care for him. Babysitters won't "do" tube feeding that I can find.
  3. I was going to ask if I could curse. Sometimes I feel the need, you know. Only the milder curse words, of course.
  4. I can't help wanting to be "warned" (the Current Warning Level) so I know what all that is about! LOL
  5. Hi Frannie! How are you? We are alright over here.... trying to stay warm.
  6. Night, Zoonie! I'll send you a message in PS with a list of extras I have. (I do think I just gave away my balloon hat to Diva, though) Just let me know there. Esp the Christmas ones since they will be going away. My luck was STELLAR a couple of nights in a row and got lots of things (you may have seen all the balloons, esp). So funny how luck with those MBs doesn't translate to RL. Darn! Hi Armell! We are friends but not sure if you remember my screen persona! (((HUG)))
  7. And Zoonie. Your W/L. Not specific enough... LOL
  8. Of course the boy starts to holler as soon as I open the computer and find you guys. How have you all been? It is COLD here.... I think it might be cold enough to have a fire tonight. A rarity!
  9. Hi Zoonie. Sorry it took me so long to mosey on over here. I am Lisa, Mommy to two small young'uns. Happily married. One fur baby, an elderly doggie. My pet is Cricket and she is unable to hold a relationship. But she does like to flirt!
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