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About cheerbella

  • Birthday 03/03/1977
  1. Goodnight guys! thanks for the laughter and I wil se you guys tomororw! my meds are kicking in big time!
  2. Yes, I agree. I am sad to say I must call it a night. I am super tired but super relaxed
  3. AH, I love laughter. it's awesome!
  4. im not laughing...nope not me.. yeah...what they said...
  5. Us...no never. yougot the wrong forum. ROFL!!
  6. Tanya, You couldn't have put it any better. I agree with you. You are so right on! thats why i knew I needed to get back here and to be around friends lol. bc it always seems to be okay once I'm here and with people who have been there or have an idea or you know what i mean.
  7. aw shucks. Id say its the other way around. I think so much of you guys. You're always there when I need an ear. you're just awesome.
  8. Armell. Armell, Armell! You are making me giggle and squeal! ty! you know how I love the color pink lol. thank you so very very very very much!
  9. Yeah. I do. I am just happy I realized things before it was too late. I have really felt a lot better since I realized some things I was doing to my own self lol. Even my kids can tell a difference and so I am happy to say I am doing a lot better. there is not other option than to get through it and survive lol. thats why I have great friends like you guys to come hang out with and destress hehe.
  10. Oh yea and it only got worse, way worse. guess it had to before it got better. But since then I found out I owe the IRS 6000.00 and just stuff like my car issue im having and my schedual not alllowing me to see my kids all that much it really has kinda been a lot but I see it this way now...I'm not the only one with problems and I can only do what i can do. I can't keep stressing over the what ifs or im going to end up dying too young. so this game along with my thought process and some altering should help me stress a little less.
  11. Yes, I am doing much better thanks! I am still weak and have to watch how much energy i use and take it easy in between working but i'm def doing better. It made me snap out of a slight depreession and take stock of what I have instead of what I dont and kinda got me back on track. if that makes sense. i was here and doing ok before but maybe just going through motions and didnt realize how much i had became this huge stressball about so much. i mean, no matter how little it was, i stressed over it. so now I'm trying to relearn how to not sweat the small stuff like not having things I want in a game lol., not having everything perfect when I do things, etc. its a hard thing to relearn. whew! lol
  12. what happened hun ??? Well, that day I wasn't feeling right. Like my stomach hurt so bad not like just normal kinda hurt you know? and i told my boss but i was like im fine but i had this feeling i wasnt we have this quiet room you can go into to sleep or just rest. I went in there during lunch and had been to the restroom quite a bit betfore not able to hold down liquids and i wokeup with this sharp pain and just walked out and was so DIZZy. i found my team mates and bby then i was shakng, pouring sweat and out of it. they said part of it was stress, some dehydration and the other, we are still tryin gto find out. but it was so scary. and my heaartbeat rose to 130 and they thought i was having a heart attck(whch is what took my mom at age 40 when I was 17) so that made me have a anxiety attack and so yeah, it was very scarey. all i could think was I wwanted to be able to go home to see my kids. I was like please dont let me die.
  13. WOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOO!! thank you for the dress, Armell! I love it love it love it! I'm all excited and awake now heheh. ty so much!
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