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Everything posted by velvetcat1001

  1. ok if your ready to send now i will send the wwf items now
  2. Could we maybe do the trade tomorrow i have to go to bed since im sick and tired but if you think that is too late thats ok
  3. could i please have a snowflake wall light and scary lantern eyes R/L
  4. Thank you the next person will get a pink heart ice lolly
  5. I could get you the set for 120x3333 since i have just bought more playfish
  6. :pinkjello: :mummy: OR :monster:
  7. Hi Goth Queen, is ur account ok now? Ewoks just danced the night away with BFF it might have just been a loading glitch. There was a time that my first room would be completely empty of items when i log in, but when i go to another room and come back, everything is intact. I'd love to trade in CC as i only have 30 CC left; when i purchase the bear lamb before the day ends, I will have but a few left...my fiance just sends me PIN nos of the ultimate gaming card from US since it is not available in our country, sadly. Beau is still in training tho, so im trying to maximize what i have before he is able to purchase again Anyhow, I'll give u a sweet deal for the items u listed. pumpkin dress, with a free pumpkin hat (both are from 08 hallo) - 3 x 3333 5 greeting cards (set) - 8 x 3333 monster doll (side kick of BFF lol) - 2 x 333 for all eggs - 5 x 3333 plus complete snowman parts - 2 eyes, mouth,2 limbs, nose total of 18 x 333 or 54 x 999 or around 9 - 12 CCs only well i only have 3 cc left since somthing happened so i dont think i can trade and everything is ok except in my cash room which the items disapppeared and my items in my inventory are also gone but at least BFF still has his room
  8. I have all the items that i had in all my rooms except in the cash room and changed my password hoping that nothing else goes wrong. The worst news of all is I still only have 3 playfish Still hoping that the cc will come back Good News I checked my pet society about 5 minutes ago and the items in my inventory were all there but still no sign of where my cc went
  9. Ok so about 10 minutes ago i logged into my pet society and on that account i had 100 playfish for the new wwf items but when i got to my account i only had three playfish left and i had not spent any of it . I dont know if it was a glitch or some person who got on my account . As it gets worse i looked in my inventory to see only 4 pages with only my trophes and fish Please help its driving me nuts
  10. ewwww for boh but i have to say worms basketball or baseball
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