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Posts posted by danielh

  1. "So chilled up bro and let's enjoy the hobby. If someone decided to
    hoard it, let them be. It's not the end of day if we miss the model
    that we want so much, right? Hardwork always pay, and the joy u felt
    after u had found it can't be describe by words only.. Very Happy"

    agree with aphong... one word .."satisfied!" if i found what i wanted after all the hard work and hunting. Very Happy Cheerss!!!

  2. interesting, some parents buy them for their children as toys. As you knows young child wanted to play with it. They knows what is HotWheels is all about. They might have seen it on TV as what we has seen the advertisement by hw's. And they are tempted by it ,wanted their parents to buy for them. Very Happy . To teach them to collect hw as hobby at their early age or collection in carded form will torture their mental. All they want is to open and play and their happy with it.
    Perhaps, by reaching the age of teens then, they will know what is hobby of collecting hw about.
    Same to us, we bought them as for hobby because we can owned many types of car makes in smaller scales and the best things is affordable. To me, i have to buy more of each makes, one for keeping, another for custom and lastly one for my 3 years old son because all he want is to play with it Very Happy .If i couldn't get what i wanted, i will always tell myself there will be available again or go to other places to find. And collecting hw is a hobby to me.

  3. Raymond wrote:
    cool looks like malaysia's future F1 car

    wonder how u allocate time to do ur customs bro me cant' even get bout 15 mins a day even to think bout to do my customs

    Thanks Raymond !!! Very Happy Err..Plannning in advance. Spend about 3 to 4 hours in the evening. Stages of custom divided to 6 or 7 days. From day 1, stripping of paints to day 6 or 7, the final touch up but depends on difficulty of customizing.
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