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Everything posted by kelvinator21

  1. BINGO!!!! TANG TANG TANG TANG TANG!!! That's what i am planning, bro!! haha.. You are the first to say that, bro!! Congrats!!! hehe..
  2. Excellent tampos, bro!!! and you take the pics with styles..
  3. Nooo... not yet.. this is far far away cousin of monster's jam, bro! Not yet ya.. will transform it into the real monsters jam soon..
  4. Thanks, bro.. siu kao tao pit ah(in Hokkien).. haha..
  5. Haha.. thanks man.. i like the monster big wheels cars la.. show more power than the small small wheels.. glad you like the design eh.. but the tampos is still haven't decided yet.. still venturing the customization of the cars.. i want to extend some part as well.. hopefully will satisfy my taste.. haha..
  6. can see through the body metal.. just the camera of mine not so advance yet.. hehe..
  7. thanks for the appreciation, bro! actually there's no brand one... it is special mix.. base on super thunt torino.. hehe..
  8. Thanks, brother.. I'm glad you like it.. hehe..
  9. thanks.. i love big big wheels.. i want it to look so tough.. hehe..
  10. thanks, bro.. it seems big, huh.. the wheels.. but it can rock n roll, brother!!haha ..
  11. After think and think of what i want for so long.. finally .. my imagination has become reality!! Hope you like what you see here.. thanks for viewing, people..
  12. No la.. don't say that.. i am just letting out my imagination, brother.. Thanks for the comment..
  13. Designing my own card.. hope you all have a taste for it.. hehe..
  14. Hi.. again.. Another lovely bug.. A light spectraflame green.. Will update on the body color and the wheels.. hehe.. pai seh ah..
  15. Thanks, bro. I need to pose with some styles, bro.. Glad you like it..
  16. Wah.. you think so eh..? Thanks for the appreciation, bro!
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