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Posts posted by -SYAFIQ-

  1. Must complain this thing to supervisor.. Cashier shouldn't do that.. They broke the work ethic... If they have to do so, buy la them after work hour..

    Sometime, when I go to a restaurant, the workers will spend their times with their hp if they don't have work to do, or have a chat too, in front of customers without no shame.. This shows that they are not a good worker.. If they desperate to do so, find a restroom, then chat, sms, e-mail, sleep, or anything else, till fired by their boss..

  2. Quote :
    Samy Vellu ditemuramah tentang program angkasawan negara.

    Samy: "...Bagi saya, ini semua adalah satu pembaziran atas duit rakyat.Kita sepatutnya tidak hantar mereka ke bulan, tapi hantar mereka pergi matahari. Barulah USA, Russia, respect sama kita...."

    Penemuramah: Tapi Dato' Seri, matahari kan panas. Macam mana mau pergi sana?

    Samy: Cit! itu pasal la u tara jadi mintri. Saya suda lebey 30 tahun jadi mintri, saya musti ada jalan penyelesaian. Kita jangan pergi siang, manyak panas. kita pigi malam, baru ada sujuuuuuk......

  3. titaniumboss wrote:
    WOW! bro, u r new to forum but not new to hotwheels world... The yellow car beside Rail Rodder looks like lamborghini, but i never seen tat car b4. thanks for sharing...

    Actually, it is white in colour.. Because of the ages, it become dull.. The car is not just a normal car.. It has its own speciality..

  4. Hye everyone.. I'm student, still new to Hot Wheels world.. I started collecting HW cars since 3 years ago..
    Right now, I'm just collecting random cars without specific target such as Thunt.. Most of my HW cars are muscle cars..

    chee keng hong wrote:
    @Syafiq: welcome to HWCM...and do share with us ur entire collection!!

    Okay.. I'll share about my entire collection with you..

    My first-time collection..
    My dad bought me these cars when I was kid.. Now, they aged about a decade.. Awesome is it??
    The Lakester upper cover is missing..
    (From left: Lakester-1997, no name printed on the base of car-1987, Rail Rodder-1995)

    My Hot Wheels bikes collection...
    (From left: Blast Lane, Dodge Tomahawk, Westlander)

    My Ferrari collection...
    (From left: 250LM, no name printed on the base of car, Enzo, F430 Spider, P4, 512LM, Enzo)

    My random collection...

    P/S: I have more HW cars to share but I'll haul it on the other time.. BTW, nothing interesting about my collection..
    I'm sorry.. If you feel free, pls comment about my collection..

  5. thefuhrer wrote:
    WOW !! wonder how he do it...?

    thanks for the info, bro

    This machine is outdated compare to USA..

    Do you watch Discovery Channel? There is a programme about transplantation of extinct trees.. The crew of the project use this machine to scoop up a tree and transplant it to specific location.. Can you imagine how they succeed to scoop tree that have 10 metre root? Think about it..

  6. LoL.. It is IKEA cabinet.. I'm craving this since 2 years ago.. But, my dad is going to buy it for me.. So, I can put my HW cars there..

    Click DETOLF glass door cabinet if you want to know more about it.

  7. I have found all the HW transporter in the above, except the one at the top..

    About 5 years ago, it is my wishlist.. But my dad don't want to buy them for me because my dad said that they're quiet expensive..

    P/S: Some of them was advertised in the TV.. I'll forget about it..

  8. danielh wrote:
    thanks for poison me,hehe...! you got it wrong bro.!
    if the cs was in yellow, you put it in the fridge for 5 min.. It will
    change colour ( example red). Then held it in your hands or pressed
    your fingers or thumbs on to it, it will change back to yellow colour
    on the spot of the fingers due to the heat from your fingers. If you
    want it fast, pour warm or hot water onto it.

    When I was kid, I always do that on my car (the one that can change colour too).. Almost twice every week.. Magic maniac..

  9. Mcm tak caya jer.. Nampak gayanye kena jual jugak PS1, PS2, hp, Coca Cola collection (rare tau, bukan pasar malam punye) utk dptkn HW sebegitu

    altezza wrote:
    A little collections...want to share with all HWC club.Enjoy.......

    share? Nak bagi free ke? Baiknye hati.. Semoga Tuhan memberkati kamu..

  10. Does anyone here knows where to get:

    -Red Line cars
    -40th Anniversary
    -Other limited edition

    I prefer that they're sold in stores around KL and
    Selangor.. If it is an online stores, I prefer that
    the owner is Malaysian..

    P/S: I'm still new in Hot Wheels world... I started
    collecting them last 3 years..

  11. kukubeh wrote:
    my god.... 150+ TOY CARS for the price of a bunglow...

    Maybe you can 'melt' the cars, then ask the contractor to build a bungalow/villa
    by using melted metals of the cars.. I think they aren't metal.. Who knows, maybe they
    are made up of 24-carat gold
    /emas berkarat..
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