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clair a bell

Or isnt he sweet

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My other half has been busy all day fixing the kiddies bikes and sorting the wheel out on his bike then he's just been to the local asda for some shopping for over the weekend and he's only just got back ( been over an hour for a few bags of shopping Laughing ) and while he's been putting the stuff away ive just been looking around on here and when i tried to comment on a thread my internet cut off so when ive checked how much ive got left im running out and havent even got enough to last tonight and since im addicted to the pc ill be pulling my hair out within 5minutes of the internet running out. Our local shop shuts at 9 so i cant nip down as its already past that so my dear darling boyfriend has gone on his bike to the petrol station to get me a top up
It'll only take him 10-15mins but still he didnt have to
I know not a very interesting story but i thought ide tell you anyway as i thought it was kinda sweet of him, saying that thought i cant decide if he's got to stop the moaning before it evens starts or because he just loves me sooo much
Maybe i should ask him when he gets back

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oh bless him!
its the little things that mean the most

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lea75 wrote:
oh bless him!
its the little things that mean the most

I know,he's fab He can drive me nuts sometimes thou, visa versa i guess x

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