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I will miss my bunny! I am actually crying right now,it's been there for only a day,and I got bounded... I'm so sad!!!

Tomorrow we're giving it to our neighbor girl for her Bday,and then she going back to belgrade... I'm gonna miss you bunny!

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she will be gone tomorrow!

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its really sad, i know how u feel laz! i remember when i was young i used to have a pup and my mom told me to give it to a family friend since we have already 3 dogs in our house, i can't stop crying and they gave the pup when im not around

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Yes,bounding to an animal really makes your feelings attached to the animal..

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I can imagine how difficult that is Lazar, just think about how happy that girl will be with her new birthday gift!! I'm sure she will let you visit and see the precious little bunny rabbit!

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i know exactly the way ur feeling............i had bunnies too...........they are the cutest things.......................my favorite pets......i hope the litl girl takes good care of ur bunny.......just to cheer u up...i once had 2 litl rabbits...and they gave birth to 4 more rabbits!!! Smile i still miss them..... Smile

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oh and thats why my pet in PS is also a bunny..... Smile its abt time they had bunny petlings in PS.... congratulations

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Thank you all so much! She is gone,my mom took her this morning to my neighbors house and she left... I will miss you my friend!

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aaaaaaw!!!!!!! it so cuteeeeeeee!!!!!!! don't worry Laz it will be take cared of and be loved!!!!

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