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Tiddly Winks

Going to the doctor

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Wish me luck everyone.

I have been hobbling around on a hurt foot for close to two weeks and I have decided enough is enough. I am going to the doctor and get some high powered meds to wipe this verruca out once and for all! My husband called this morning and got me an appointment for this morning and he'll take me there.

Thanks to everyone who advised me on that (specifically nurse bunnyfuzzyness). So, now they are going to do something and hopefully the bloody thing will heal.

I am starting to feel cursed. Since moving to this apartment in 2006 (therabouts), I have suffered three of them. I thought that it was from going to public pools, but now I realize that it's not.

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Good luck Yvette,may all pains fly away! :leppy:
(oh,and you're not cursed )

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About time too ...verucca's can be really hard to get rid of and often need medical assistance. Good luck and let us know how you get on

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glad you are going to get something done about this hun...I can only imagine how hard it is for you, especially when it is on hte bottom of your foot and so are constantly going to be making it worse, just by walking

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I'm back from the doctor. The good news, the wart is gone and there is no infection. The bad news is, the redness is muscle and I should avoid walking for a few days. I guess this means computer games, PS, and hanging around here. I have to miss bearmaking tonight. But, hopefully tomorrow I can go and finish my coat in sewing class.

Here's hoping that it heals fast.

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glad that it is gone hun...try to remember that the more you rest it, the quicker it will heal

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Me too, I was worried when Nurse Bunnyfuzzyness said 'if it's red, go to the doctor', I started to panic. Now I'm glad I went.

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wow, Yvette im really happy to hear that it isnt any thing bad, but sorry you have to stay in bed, hope you feel much better soon

take care, rest and get spoiled by hubby lol

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Yeah, but I still had to make dinner. Bearmaking was moved to next week, which is fantastic...so I can recover properly. Horrah.

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lol.. i know what you mean, im also resting coz of my toe, thankfully it wasnt anything, but i still had to pass show the day after that. it was a little tough for me, but you know the saying... the show must go on... and it did
now im feeling muhc better

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If it's your right foot, then I am thinking that everyone should watch their right foots. Today I saw a guy with a cast on his right foot, my friend from choir has a cast on her right foot, and my former wart is on my right foot.


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mmmm.. perhaps, but its my left foot
maybe its because I'm in the other part of the worl the foot switches lol

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Yvette, I'm so happy to hear that you don't have an infection just make sure you take it easy and actually rest. I really hope it feels better soon!

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Thanks. I feel rather relieved that it is healing...but I am now contending with a headache. Took the afternoon off from sitting at the computer and watched some Loony Tunes.

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Tiddly and Falcor rest as much as you can, that will make you have a fast recovery ... I guess

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BTW, I haven't been around much this evening. Had a headache and went to tax my brain working on a huge suduko puzzle...that is 5 regular suduko puzzles crammed together. Interesting, but hard.

See all of you tomorrow. I need to get back to bed and rest my foot.

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