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The Drop In and Say Hi Thread

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The Woodpeckers are a real sight for sore eyes.

We get Green, who don't really do much apart from dig up the lawns digging for ants ( we seem to have gazillions of ants this last couple of years ) and we have Great Spotted too - who are glorious to look at, and very comical, but also awfully predatory, which puts me off them.

Wish, dinner's ready, sorry I have to go - xxx

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Hello .... I was just watching the news during lunch and they said something about a taxi driver shooting rampage in UK .... of course they don't say anything about WHERE exactly (not that I can picture where any of you lot live, really). But wanted to check in and make sure everyone is okay???? Sorry, no time to read back so maybe it's already been discussed.

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Morning, lovely morning.

Mindy, I don't think any of my PS friends are up in Cumbria (it's on the north west coast of England, but covers a vast area which runs into the Lake District.


My geography's not the best, but the red dot is approximately where Whitehaven is, and the purple dots are vaguely where Bee, Wish and I live (very approximately lol)

It's really nice of you to check up on us - hopefully none of us have friends or relatives who were affected. I don't, but can't speak for anyone else -
this has been an absolutely horrific incident, really shocking.

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I'll pop back later, big workload again today x

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Good Morning everyone

Got a text from Marie F - still nothing. She went to be induced on tuesday evening and she said not even a twitch. She is currently waiting to see someone.

It's a lovely warm day today (so naturally I'm stuck in the office all day).

Hope you all doing well

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Bee wrote:
Good Morning everyone

Got a text from Marie F - still nothing. She went to be induced on tuesday evening and she said not even a twitch. She is currently waiting to see someone.

It's a lovely warm day today (so naturally I'm stuck in the office all day).

Hope you all doing well

Hi Gill
Found my way here, hope it is the right place, just wanted to know if Marie F had had the baby yet, and your post answers that question, thank you xx I know she was due about the same time as our daughter-in-law and she had a little girl yesterday. Will try and pop back in soon. Love and miss you all at C&G xx

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Anyone here ? Had a terrible day at work today, so am finishing early and having wine !!

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Congrats Marie xxx
Yes, you're in just the right place.

Hiya Wish - I've just flopped down, bone tired and toting a wine bottle - help yourself and tell me all about it.

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(pouring large glass)....
not much to tell really just some difficulty with clients today LOL - there is some large change they have just decided that they need which impacts on the build timelines but none of their dates can change - Ha!
A bit like - can you build me a 2 bed bungalow in 6 months please and then just as you finalise the drawings and bought materials, they ask for a 10 bedroom house !
Anways - only 3 more sleeps to vacation

How's your day going ? Have you stopped hurting yet ?

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Grrr at the clients and their goal posts.

I'm not hurting thanks, just aching - it's also this sense of dread (read fear!) as I'm in the quicksand of working hard physically all day, and not seeing any real progress.

We'll both overcome the hurdles, but boy it's tough hey?

Oh and to throw a spanner in the works for Monday (and needing to be sorted by then) I'm up to London for the day tomorrow congratulations *bad Gill

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Tee hee - whatcha gonna do in London ? Any shopping planned ...or lunch ?

I so need a break from this travelling and doing everything on the fly. I'm annoyed about the moving goalpost becuase I'm away for a week after tomorrow and there's nothing I can do until I get back.
Perfect timing as always.

Ooh - do you need a Mexincan Chihuaha (spelling on the fly too LOL) - I just got an extra one in an MB

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I think that's right for Chihuahua, I don't even know if I have one rofl!
My interest in PS has gone downhill big time to be honest - time constraints being one reason, and all the multitude of stuff being another.

Am considering giving up on the G/R but when I get time, will message you and Frannie and have a chin wag.

Tomorrow, just moseying around and meeting R from work, not sure what time I'll set off - I'm a bit brain dead at the moment (as if you couldn't tell!)

I know this is off the wall, but if ever I could assist with a hand, with phone calls, diary notes/virtual office or whatever, you only need to shout up.

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Zoonie wrote:
I think that's right for Chihuahua, I don't even know if I have one rofl!
My interest in PS has gone downhill big time to be honest - time constraints being one reason, and all the multitude of stuff being another.
Am considering giving up on the G/R but when I get time, will message you and Frannie and have a chin wag.

Tomorrow, just moseying around and meeting R from work, not sure what time I'll set off - I'm a bit brain dead at the moment (as if you couldn't tell!)

I know this is off the wall, but if ever I could assist with a hand, with phone calls, diary notes/virtual office or whatever, you only need to shout up.

Oh wow- thanks for the offer, I will keep it in mind. Actually something I must do that the Fab Kijo is going to help me with is to work out a company "logo". I need some ideas to give to her and haven't had the time to really look for examples of things that I like - which is what she needs to help me out. Must get organised on that so if you come across anything you think might fit the bill - please send me a FB message.

I too am brain dead today - so much to get done workwise before vacation and just lost all interest today ...crashing (yawns). OH away all week too so no=one to help out with anything. Thankfully I manged to get the packing done last weekend.

I'm sending you a FB message on the GR in a mo' will send to Fran too.

(Watching Great British Menu for the first time ever this series)

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Also watching GBM, watched just the fish course before. Fish is more my thing than puds.

I replied to your message - am a bit out of sorts, so read it in that vein, yes?

Perhaps send me a bit more detail workwise and I can scout around for you, I did the logos for our two businesses, and, I don't take offence if ideas fall foul, I'm sharp on business head/friend head, so no worries.

((BG)) how are you feeling lovely? hopefully a bit better today?
We have a lovely evening here.

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Oh it sure is lovely here, we had a lovely 25° today and it's only getting warmer (talking about doing a BBQ this weekend)

I am slightly better, but still in a lot of pain. The swelling is still present, but also better. Only problem I have is when I talk and when I have to eat - my jaw is a bit locked. I'm trying to be patient, but I am also hoping it'll be all better tomorrow (or at least a bit)

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BG did you take the arnica tablets beforehand?

(I'm guessing not?)

I keep on about them, only because they really work well!

I'm slightly out of sorts tonight, not quite sure why really, but it's a lovely evening.
Am reading up on a recipe for 'Italian Chicken with Artichokes' although tonight we're having sole goujons and veg.

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Sorry I disappeared for a bit - OH just arrived home earlier than expected but knackered from a week in Helsinki, Oslo and Stockholm - 4 days straight

BG - Hi - having trouble with your teeth / gums - that's miserable. I recommend Sauvignon Blanc as a cure LOL (passes the bottle cautiously in case BG is on pain meds)

Weather is amazing here too.

Gill - Artichokes n Chicken sounds lovely !

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Atichokes and chicken is all baked in a tray, so good for the Aga.
I can point you to the recipe, or type it if I can't find it online?

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You're guessing correct because I haven't found those tablets yet - I did put a LOT of arnica on my cheek the days before and right before surgery - but he had to struggle a lot to get one tooth out. Still using a lot of arnica now, it cools down the bad spot (and put ice on it too). I take painkillers, but they stop working after a couple of hours and I don't want to depend on them, so I only try to take 2 a day (and if I really have to, 3).

I'm just keeping myself entertained for now on facebook and was watching tv (we also had a shooting here nearby, but not as madly as the one in Cumbria), just to take my mind of the pain. I did study this afternoon (a bit though)

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Wish Fairy wrote:
BG - Hi - having trouble with your teeth / gums - that's miserable. I recommend Sauvignon Blanc as a cure LOL (passes the bottle cautiously in case BG is on pain meds)

It's only virtual, so won't do me any harm ;-)

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Aaaw BG, bless you. Well, at least this pain will fade, and wont trouble you again.

Forgive me, am bobbing back and forwards to the oven now.

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LOL BG - yours may be virtual but Gill and I are on the real stuff tonight!

We;re having lemon and chili chicken with asparagus, new potatoes and salad tonight.

Now then, might I interest you in my spare Mexican Chihauha ?

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That's what's keeping me thinking positive too, Z :-) They won't ever ever ever bother me again and this pain will go away eventually. I guess it was too naive to think it would be as easy as the previous time, but nothing wrong with a bit of hope :-)

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I wish I could have the real stuff too, but not mixing with pain pills, that's not going to end well. I might just have ice cream in a bit and settle for that :-D

Sounds all very yummy you two!

You have my interest for the Chihuahua, but actually I'm good
(I didn't know they still had those in the boxes?)

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Nothing wrong with hope BG!

Go on then Wish, send that puppy and let me see, I know you're bubbling over! congratulations thanks. If not I might launch a competition in the vain hope that someone enters

This GBM is very downbeat is it not?

The recipe for the chicken dish is here btw


I'm going to use chicken thighs instead of drumsticks though.

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Sending over the mexican dog now (too tired to type that darn name again). Feel free to gift it on.

Recipe looks fab. Must try that, but I need to "disguise" the artichokes - OH hates them LOL, but won't even know what they are if I can hide them in some way. I love em though.
Thighs are always nicer than drumsticks that's for darn sure !

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All good then thanks Wish.

Just took a call from YD who's still at work, this integration is taking up so much time.

We had fennel with our steak last night, and to be honest, a bit like artichokes in a baked dish, I knew it was there, but it didn't really do all that much - so, unlike a lot of things, I'm neither here nor there - wouldn't ever take against them iyswim?

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I've never had artichokes before to be honest, but I want to try them
We're actually trying to harvest our own aubergines for the first time - I hope that works out!

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Guys - gotta go as dinner is imminent.

Lovely to see you and hope to be back later or tomorrow.

Have a great evening if I miss you !

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I may miss you tomorrow, as we're having dinner out in London, rather than lunch.

Take care Wish and thank you.

BG, these artichokes in the recipe are canned/tinned.

I love aubergine, even just to look at! congratulations

You said earlier, about a shooting in Belgium? haven't heard of it, but our news is full of the Cumbrian shootings, lots of information still coming out here. There are 30 scenes of crime, it appears the shootings started about 5 hours earlier than first realised.

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Yeah, a man entered a court room (I think, I was in a bit of a daze) and started shooting, he killed 2 persons.

Pffft, the madness of that man, I cannot grasp it!

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There's a special TV report on about it now BG, it's simply unbelievable - carnage - this guy even killed his own twin brother and at least two of his friends/colleagues.

Such sadness.

I have to go now, as you know it's time to eat in the UK, take care honey x

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I need to read a bit more about it then, I didn't know!
Wonder what his motives were (but we won't find out I am afraid as he killed himself)

Bon appetit!

I am off too, it's been nice talking to you all, but I am going to take some rest

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Thanks for the geo lesson yesterday, Zoonie. Obviously I can see now it all happened quite far from everyone. Still very shocking and it's big news here as well. I heard on the news that England has gun control (I may have heard that wrong) so that makes the tragedy so much more shocking ... and I didn't realize he also went after family and friends; I thought it was all random. So senseless.

The big news today is that fellow who was detained in Chile for the murder of a young girl in Peru, and was also questioned a few years back regarding the murder of a young girl in Florida ... Connected to two murders with victims of similar qualities, it can't be a coincidence, can it? It's all so sad.

In much MUCH lighter news, I only have one more final on Monday and then I get two whole weeks off, woohoo!! I'm gonna play so much PS, lol!

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Hey Army - I was reading in bed, lol - lovely morning here now, but I guess you're getting some sleep now?
Welcome back, let me know what you need from the Gift Registry wont you.

mindyjoy wrote:
Thanks for the geo lesson yesterday, Zoonie. Obviously I can see now it all happened quite far from everyone. Still very shocking and it's big news here as well. I heard on the news that England has gun control (I may have heard that wrong) so that makes the tragedy so much more shocking ... and I didn't realize he also went after family and friends; I thought it was all random. So senseless.

The big news today is that fellow who was detained in Chile for the murder of a young girl in Peru, and was also questioned a few years back regarding the murder of a young girl in Florida ... Connected to two murders with victims of similar qualities, it can't be a coincidence, can it? It's all so sad.

In much MUCH lighter news, I only have one more final on Monday and then I get two whole weeks off, woohoo!! I'm gonna play so much PS, lol!


That's a full run down on the killings - yes, we do have gun control here, you're right Mindy.

I hadn't heard that about the Peru case, will check it out.

Am glad to hear some better news best of luck with Monday's exam

I'm off out today and it's a beautiful day to be out and about Smile

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Oh great.

2 more vacation tickets bought and 2 more Safaris!

And now the game's gone into maintenance without any warning in the game.

Thanks PS! Grrr.

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Hi Frannie, I was just thinking about peeling my backside off this seat and getting a shower, not quite sure what time train to get, but there's only one an hour.

How are you doing?

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I'm good, thanks for asking. Hope you're well? So you have a big adventure planned for today?

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and don't let me keep you from leaving. I'm only on for a bit and then crawling back yo bed. I have guests coming today

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I'm ok thanks, a bit sniffy - it's bad this year for hayfever...not that I've ever had it before.
IMOM finishes work about 2.40pm, so I'm planning to meet him about 3ish, hang out in Covent Garden or somewhere, and then have an early supper out before we come home together.

Depends on how early I got up to London whether I go and do a bit of window shopping on my own first, or not.

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It's wonderful that you have such good train access.

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It's one of the main attractions of the house - being so rural, but being able to get to places.

I wish we had more than one an hour, for the journey home more so than going, but it's never going to happen congratulations

What are your plans?
And, is Mark doing ok?

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today is our new group.. we sew and watch a movie or two. Since we got this new TV we've been doing this and it works out wekl. The two other girls are hand stitching at the moment and I've been using my small portable. Am almost done with a Christmas quilt, as far as piecing the top together

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and we lternate who provides the meal, and who provides dessert. There are only three of us, so we get a week off from providing anything. It's been great because thwere are so many films our husbands dont want to see and yet we still like them

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