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Send Fabric... etc Is there a better way?

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OK, I'm a little annoyed here at how this works. I'm fine with it being collaborative and all that, and I'm happy to click for people... but in the list of requests in facebook, if I click on 'Send Fabric' - the screen comes up and I again click on 'Send pet society request to So-and-So'... and then another screen comes up, and I have to click again on 'Send' ... so three clicks—but if that's not bad enough, it takes me straight into the game, when I'd rather go back to the list of requests and finish up all the requests before I go in the game.

Is there a work-around?

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I can't get the fabrics at all. I use Safari and when I try to ask for fabrics it redirects me to an unknown page and it's all blank.

It's pretty unfair because Internet Explorer is very laggy for me, Google Chrome doesn't even work, and when I always turn Firefox on, I get the virus alert.. Sad

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I haven't found an easier way to do it. In fact, I've wondered if the gifts I think I'm sending to friends have actually reached them. It isn't really clear to me - maybe I'm just overtired?

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I don't know, Sasha, there's nothing that comes up that says the fabric has been sent or your friend received it or anything.

Gosh if I didn't like this game so much I wouldn't have anything to get annoyed about, would I?! hee hee

like the eagle! YAY that they did an eagle... but couldn't it have been a bit more regal looking? As a symbol for the USA... it looks a little pouty. Sad

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the same things happened to me Lazar... i had to switch to firefox to get it running...

and i completely understand you mamashishi, its a lot of useless click. and to top that after the 3 clicks, tha person who send the request has to accept them, one more extra click.

it should be much more easier, like the My empire building feature.... just send the gift and accept it.
not send request, accept the request, send the item, accept the item
plus all the time it takes to load each new window....
PF really has to fix this
at least add a button that sends you back to the notification board, instead of directly to the game

i hope this isnt just a trick to make us want to go crazy and prefer to buy the fabrics (CC's)

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Well, now the game is in maintenance for me so I am hoping that they are addressing this problem. Yeah, its a pain!

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Well i haven't encounter the above problems but when i tried sending my friends the stuffs, the screen just freezes and there's only one way out, the cancel button. Does anyone else have the same problem?

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i have that problem when i use safari, but if i change to firefox it works perfect for me....
maybe you should try a different browser

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Falcor wrote:
i have that problem when i use safari, but if i change to firefox it works perfect for me....
maybe you should try a different browser

I've tried google chrome and Firefox but the prob still persists. IE and safari likes hanging when i play playfish games. Sighs. Feeling so bad that I can't help sending any requests.

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when the screen freezes; instead of hitting the cancel button...count to ten (making an automatic save) and then return to your home page of FB.

I think we all need to start remembering to thank folks when we accept these items so they know we received them!

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i dont understand... you mean to say that if we wait for 10 seconds, the item will we sent?

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Falcor wrote:
i dont understand... you mean to say that if we wait for 10 seconds, the item will we sent?

Sorry, no guarantee; but I have discovered that many times when the game goes funky, whatever your last action was actually did happen after all! I have logged on to discover Hideeni gifts, which I had tried to accept but the game didn't let me in. I figure that it is always worth a try!

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It really annoys me too, and when you click to receive free gifts, you click in FB, it takes you to a page where again, you accept the gift, then you either go back to the FB page, or click to play and when you get in to PS you have to click again to accept this same gift, and then it says it's placed in your room, do you want to open it GRRRRRR.

Pointless clicking.

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Thanks for the tip. It works fine nw. I realised Ps starts going bonkers frm fri through monday, probably because the team's doing some maintenance work.

Thanks alot.

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