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Tiddly Winks

How things are really going.

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As most of you know, my husband lost his job on the first of May and it's now been close to three months since that happened. We're still without work, and Sven is quickly losing any optimism that things will get better or that he will find something.

Part of the problem is ithat he is 48 years old, has a PhD in Chemistry, and a Masters in Mineralogy. To the people at companies, he's either too old, overqualified, or wants a kang's ransom for a salary. Thus far, he has had one interview that did not reap anything except the experience of having been on one. Sad The rejection letters are starting to pile up here, and I am running out of encouraging words to say.

We are trying just about every outlet we can, even the weird or outrageous. I have told him that perhaps we should consider leaving Germany and that in other places people actually do hire older people for jobs. He says that then we may have to learn another language. Well, I learned German, so I could learn another language if I had to.

I'm not looking for advice, I'm just letting you all know how things are going on that front.

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Yvette my best wishes and thoughts come to you and your family. Sven and you can go trough this dark months, and I know it. You've got all my support!!!!!!!!!!

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Hun, I cannot imagine how much this must be affecting you both

I think it is awful when someone with as many qualifications as Sven can't get a job. It must be really disheartening for him. I never could understand how anyone can be 'over qualified' for a job...surely that would be a good thing for the employer?

I really do hope that he finds something soon, for both your sakes

Hugs to you xxxxx

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Thanks Lisa, that really means a lot to me. I have been really feeling down about this since we got back. Last week, Sven didn't send out any applications, but the rejetions kept coming in. It's horrible for him, he's spent ten years of his life studying and working his tail off, then reunification happened here and the plethora of jobs simply dried up.

Some people say that the Berlin wall coming down was a historical event of massive consequence. It was, but the consequences were that highly qualified people were forced to go abraod or wait in the unemployment line. I should be lucky, because it was when he was working in the USA when we met, but still, it's very disheartening. Now the government here has basically given people like Sven the shaft. Mad

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Hugs, hun! I understand you a lot and the only thing I can do from here is supporting you and sending you virtual hugs Sad Hope you can feel them

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I know how you feel hun, me and dan both lost our jobs a few years ago and it took a long time and a lot of rejections to get where we are now. Dan couldnt get a job because of his dyslexia and I was trained as a Child Carer but their were no jobs.
Because we made it through I know you and Sven will too xx I really believe that xxx

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oh my!!!!! i'm so sad!!! why they do that? you are overquailified!!!!!! don't get it! yeah i know the job satisfaction and the rewards that we need to take into consideration but hey having better knowledge means a better services or product!
my sweet tiddly wish you the best and don't give up already , and may be if you do move envetually , lets hope that you don't have to things may be better! wish you good luck and have faith!

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Yvette, you know that I am behind you both 100%!

After getting my Masters, six years ago, I haven't been able to find a position - other than volunteer work. And Wade has been unemployed since January (but finally has a job possibility, see thread "moving?") It really is hard to be in such an uncertain position.

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I will keep my fingers crossed that you both find something soon.
Things are bound to pick up.
And moving to another country can be a new adventure!
Keep your hopes up congratulations

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