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My Facebook Accout was Hacked :(

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So I woke up this morning, and for some reason my password and email weren't working. It kept saying my email wasn't assosiated with any facebook account! Then I looked into my email and my account had been changed to three different emails. I was so paniced. I clicked on the first email saying it was changed and clicked the link that I did not do that. Then it de-activated my account and then re-activated after I followed a few steps.

Thank goodness my pet society was fine, and whats wierd is my free facebook credits and there, my photos, my messages everything was still there. The only thing effected was my poker account and it's down to 72 chips from 490,000 chips.

Please let me know if you noticed any thing suspisious posted with my account about 5 hours ago. Thankfully I've got it back, and it's still me. I've changed all my passwords, but I feel really scared and violated!

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OMG hun how scary!

I am so glad that you were able to get it back

hugs xxx

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It just surprises me how easy it is to do. I don't click any links that I'm not sure of or anything. I'm so thankful I got it back too, I was getting so worried!

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OMG I am glad you got it back. You should maybe try to contact the FB support and ask them which i.p was on your account and explain them the situation.

Grrr I hate hackers. Sad

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I've already reported all emails that it was changed to, the weird thing is the first one was changed to stollenaccount@ (email provider).com, Shouldn't facebook have something that notices email swaps like that?

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I believe so. I hope you'll get an answer soon. Sad

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Awful thing Sad
Good you have it back
What is that of poker account? a game?
Make sure you run your antivirus to detect something strange

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It's a zanga game called Texas holdem Poker... I've never had millions or anything, but I don't get why someone would be after 420,000 chips. Seems so silly as it's free to play.

Thats a really good point about the antivirus, I didn't think to do that yet. Thank you sweetie!

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that is so scary Sara ...do you have your email address hidden in your fb profile? ... Do you set up groups too esp a block group where you put everybody you don't know (you can always move them later) with no access to your personal fb at all.

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I have a friend whose gmail account was hacked this week. It's really scary. He had all his passwords in a google doc (yes, blame him) and the hacker could access to all of them. I always recommend don't write the passwords in any document in the computer or the mail. It's better memorize them or write it in a paper in a safe place.

The passwords should contain uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and other characters and no one should log in shared computers or click in any untrustable link.

I'm glad you got it back, Sarah. I don't see any weird thing in your account now, but I cannot see your wall. I'll let you know if I see something strange

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You can't see my wall? How strange... Thank you so much for looking Claudia, and all my passwords are always over ten characters long, with both a capital letter in there somewhere along with a number. I also don't save my passwords to my computer, or on my browser so I just don't get it. It seems like who ever did it went to a lot of effort for really nothing. I'm just so happy everything is okay.

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Sara I just looked at your facebook ,,I can't see your wall posts at all, but I can see your email address !!

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I can't see your wall as well. Sad

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That is so strange, thank you Audrey and Lazar for checking that for me! I've now fixed it hopefully you all can see my wall, but my email is now blocked so only I can see it.

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myladyyawo wrote:
That is so strange, thank you Audrey and Lazar for checking that for me! I've now fixed it hopefully you all can see my wall, but my email is now blocked so only I can see it.

I can now see your wall posts ..and no email, so hopefully it will stay that way

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I have mine set where only I can see the email. If anything weird happens, I go through and change all the passwords. It's really scary what some people will do.

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It's really frustrating that people do this for virtual free items that you can earn yourself, it just takes away the fun of the games if you just steal things you want. There is no social networking in that. The really scarey thing is for a few hours someone had all my information, what I did on my facebook, and pictures of my children and myself. Hopefully with all the precations I've made this will make it harder for it to happen again.

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I am glad nothing else was taken or abused from your account Sara. I remember when hackers used to write rude comments to the real persons fb friends. It still happens, and I am glad that it didn't happen to you.

And thank you so much for this thread. You have reminded me, and most of us here how important is to keep our e-mail private and change our password often. Many hugs to you, and here's me hoping that this will never happen again to any of us.

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Wow! I'm glad you where able to restore your account. Sound like they where only after your Poker Cash. They probably knew what they where looking for when they hacked your account. It's scary, like you said. Especially with the photos of your family... Let's hope this never happens to you, or anyone in this forum, ever again!

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everytime i hear a new hacking story i get more and more paranoid.

it's somewhat of a relief they didn't go after anything else.. but it's still scary they were able to hack you in the first place. Sad

hopefully this never happens again.

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eeeeeeek! scary! i'm so glad you were able to get it back!
that would have been so awful if you lost it allll!!! ug, i don't even want to think about that!!!

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That's awful. Sad After reading this I immediately made my e-mail on FB private. I'm sorry they messed with your poker account but so glad they didn't do anything to your PS! I hope you somehow figure out who it was and how they did it. *hugs*

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isn't it tough to hack facebook accounts? *gulp* i'm always scared of that! is keeping a strong password enough?? sorry if i sound silly...just i don't know how else to take precautions!
glad to hear you got yours back!!

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