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How dissapointing

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I built the Party invitation balloon and I saw : 7 DAYS!!!! It ends in 7 days!! MadMadMadMadMadMadMadMadMadMadMadMadMad I wanted it to be a decorations to my Party room. Now I must send each week request for materials. MadMadMad

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Agne wrote:
But it's only 6 materials...

So its really not too big of a deal...just a little disappointment for now. At least you have it for seven days.

I mean if it was there forever it would be kind of annoying because everytime your friends get on it asks them to come over and "party" - its kinda like an application, not a decoration. Asks us to take a picture to commemorate the experience and everything!

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smorkle wrote:
send me a request tromo. i will help you congratulations

I will send when this one expires.

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Tromo3 wrote:
smorkle wrote:
send me a request tromo. i will help you congratulations

I will send when this one expires.

okay hun. you can send me a request anytime congratulations

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