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Lucky Strike

Stats and trophies :D

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I still need sticker trophies (all T.T) And 2 more for Beginner's Luck trophies (the betting one >.

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Your frisbee throphie is...

the stickers are noooooot easy... But easier than the beginner's luck!!!! I have nooooooo luck... Ashamed

Smorkle: Brrr... That's alooooot of visits!!!!!!!! How do you manage????

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i've been playing for a long time! LOL!
andi don't do visits anymore so it's mostly when i have lots of prizes to give out i visit them.

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tromo: is it my idea or you're only missing the stickers and bets???

smorkle: i used to do visits.. now i just re-sell items from trading.. no time.. Ashamed

fash: and i talked to smorkle about visits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Lucky Strike wrote:
tromo: is it my idea or you're only missing the stickers and bets???

I am missing sticker (All) s pro races, 2 bets (And I was Lucky enought to vote for 13 winners), one Planting, One jumping rope. and one Legwear and one acesries.

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Fashionista wrote:
AshamedAshamed hehe Laughing

OMG! are your fingers okay??? do they still work after all those visits??? oh my!!!

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I just visited all my friends always everyday, all if them and sometimes twice when i forget who is dirty to clean up and in the begging when i had a few friends 3 times all to level up easily or if i was broke!

that's why i have a few now, cause i just can't leave anyone without a visit per day!

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Fashionista wrote:
I just visited all my friends always everyday, all if them and sometimes twice when i forget who is dirty to clean up and in the begging when i had a few friends 3 times all to level up easily or if i was broke!

that's why i have a few now, cause i just can't leave anyone without a visit per day!

If you need a dirty friend, Totoro is dirty always. ^^

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