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Tiddly Winks

I got a Golden Ticket!

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It's true, I just bought a set of the tiny candy cats (I'll be able to breed when they grow up). And I got a Golden Ticket and a Willy Iguana. I named him, what else, Willy Wonka. Smile

I'm thrilled. Oh and he will be grown in two weeks. He's going to be huge.

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Willy Wonka, you couldn't have picked a more appropriate name then that one! Awesome!!! He's already big :-D

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Congrats. Haha. I fear the day that actual iguanas of that size appear.
I'd be drained dry of life from panic. D:
But I can handle virtual iggs. XD

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I'm more a cat / bear person, but I love the iguana, the hat everything. Smile I can't wait till he's grown.

One of my friends grew hers up and he takes over the entire screen. Smile

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