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I was very suprised...

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I was sorting out my chest yesterday and I realised something.......im nothing but a horder! lmao
I had so many boys clothes in my chest (Lin Yao is a girl) so I thought "What am I doing with all these clothes?"
So i sold back all the boys stuff leaving nothing my dresses/wigs/accessories, I even sold back all the shoes as Lin Yao always wears the shoes that make her move faster.
I was suprised by how much coins I made just by getting rid of them!
Im planning on moving onto the items soon, i just wanted to say to all the fellow horders out there, dont be afraid to sell the items/clothes you dont use! lol

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lol.....didnt buy male clothes even if were OWO my brother did it
btw i also have maaaaaaaaaaaany items that i dont need and want and dont get rid of them cause im afraid that some day will be rares :Imao:

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I'll only keep things i really love from now on congratulations
have you noticed though that the only items that become rares later on are mostly cute items?? lol

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I did say most of them lol
it was just nice to be able to go from 57 pages of clothes to 30 pages lmao

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I'm going to be doing the same I think.

Getting rid of things I dont want/like.

I will keep some of it for PSFC prizes, but if its just junk then its going

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I feel guilty doing that... It has happened to me tooo many times to miss or need an item later and don't have it.. Ashamed any advice on that? Ashamed

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btw.. if anyone wants to through out shelves, doors, window and basic stuff i'm always here.. i always find a use for them congratulationsAshamed

lol! i should clear out my chest too.. But i don't remember which iems are IN or NIS..

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you'd all be suprised how many pages you will get rid of doing it and the extra coins go a long way congratulations x

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I just cashed in 20,000 coins just going through the clothes and weeding out the stuff I don't like. I guess I could have traded some of it, but I am so not in the mood to trade right now.

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i think ever since the hacks a long time ago, nothing is rare and everyone managed to get anything they ever wanted so trading has slowed. thats why i dont have a problem selling a load of stuff back Smile
how many pages did you get rid of Tiddly??

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