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Experience Points

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It seems harder to get experience points these days...

and then I noticed that I got coins but no XPs when cleaning neighbors' litter boxes! Didn't we use to get pts? I still get pts cleaning my own. Is it my level? Anyone else notice this?

So, what is the best to get experience points? Someone suggested buying refrigerators. I did that, you get 1300 pts, but the process is tedious. Buy a fridge, sell a fridge, buy a fridge, sell a fridge. Yikes!! I have 4 cats in my gift box waiting for room and some more waiting to hatch! I am at level 54, half way to level 55 and a new yard.

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I have same problem, no room for more pets, that is why I am trying to find marble tiles to get the trophy room in which as far as I know we can put more pets
I didnt know the fridge thing, I buy the more expensive sculptures and then resell them
I like to find neighbors with a lot of baskets, that way I earn xp

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I think it just takes longer and longer to get enough xp to go to the next level. Low levels, they go by very fast. Then it slows down a lot around 50. I am now 61, it took about 8 days from level 60 to 61. (I have been playing 102 days, says the Free Pet star that gives Pandora and Arctic pets. I have played every day since I started!)

The most xp I get comes from just feeding my pets. It also helps to grow the plants up, I think. For some reason, I do not seem to get xp from buying things - it says they give xp, but my xp number does not actually go up.

Litter boxes at neighbor houses never gave xp, only coin, since I started to play happy pets. Playing with neighbor pets gives both, and blessing baskets gives xp but no coin.

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I unlocked this morning trophy room, so I have more room for 8 pets, and I near to reach lvl 60, I am so happy

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I'm still working on trophy room too, I have all but the marble tiles, but I have not found anything in the last few days visits to the park!

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