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Is Pet Society Going To Have Some Major Changes?!

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Ive just been reading on the official Pet Society FB page that soon our pets world is going to change and there has even been confirmations from mods in the playfish forum about it, and they have even said its nothing to do with discount cc's! which im sure is a massive relief to everyone lol
I wonder what the changes could be?! lets discuss it!!!

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I hope it something like where your pet can chat on pet society! That would be so awesome! Have chat bubbles coming outta ur pets mouth. Also I hope they change it so you can see your pet friends when then they are online. Like you can see them if they come inside to visit you. Than we could invite them to our pets bday party's and talk and stuff.

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BabyPeach wrote:
I hope it something like where your pet can chat on pet society! That would be so awesome! Have chat bubbles coming outta ur pets mouth. Also I hope they change it so you can see your pet friends when then they are online. Like you can see them if they come inside to visit you. Than we could invite them to our pets bday party's and talk and stuff.

I like your ideas! I hope they are made reality... well, at least in Pet Society reality!

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BabyPeach wrote:
I hope it something like where your pet can chat on pet society! That would be so awesome! Have chat bubbles coming outta ur pets mouth. Also I hope they change it so you can see your pet friends when then they are online. Like you can see them if they come inside to visit you. Than we could invite them to our pets bday party's and talk and stuff.

great idea! i like that too!!

i hope its not 3D pet society >_<

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oh no...whatever it is, i'm scared. every time they add a change there are always major problems.

maybe the change they are making will stop hackers...or at least make more of an attempt...

maybe they are making it so that we can also hold more in our chest...

the possibilities are endless.

any news on the time frame of when all this is going to take place?

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I just hope we don't experience a crash like in June 2010. That was horrible. It lasted for about a month, and half of the people couldn't get into the game and half of Tiddly Winks' neighbors were in maintenance and their houses looked like an earthquake happened.

Not fun at all. So, whatever they do, I am game, but please no more major crashes.

Is the lottery wheel no longer there? I logged into the game and didn't get my lottery today. I'm mad about that because Tiddly Winks still wants her perfume bottle. Sad

Edit: Never mind, I logged back in and got it, but still no perfume bottle. Grrrr.

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yes i have heard something about that but still don't have any ides what they will be doing congratulations i just hope that PS will be same and that my items will be in my chest and in house LOL congratulations and that we will still be available to sending gifts and that they will change item limit congratulationsSmile

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I also thought it would be cool if we could take a picture of our pet and than we would be able to frame it. That would be cute! congratulations

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yellownancy wrote:
BabyPeach wrote:
I hope it something like where your pet can chat on pet society! That would be so awesome! Have chat bubbles coming outta ur pets mouth. Also I hope they change it so you can see your pet friends when then they are online. Like you can see them if they come inside to visit you. Than we could invite them to our pets bday party's and talk and stuff.

I like your ideas! I hope they are made reality... well, at least in Pet Society reality!

I really hope they do that idea. We could invite our friends to pet weddings! It would be so much fun. I'll keep my fingers crossed that they do it.

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