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I have a question

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I noticed on the profiles that there are spots for thanks sent and received. What is that for and how do I do it? Mine shows that I've received 2 thanks. I have no clue where to see those or if they are even viewable.

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SashaGirl wrote:
I noticed on the profiles that there are spots for thanks sent and received. What is that for and how do I do it? Mine shows that I've received 2 thanks. I have no clue where to see those or if they are even viewable.

some threads come with a "thanks" box that looks like this

if you want to thank someone in a thread, you just click on it and it highlights their post and that is your way of publicly thanking them. i think you can only do it once in a thread....i could be wrong.......

unfortunately, from your profile, although you can view how many "thanks" you've given and received, there is no way to view who gave them to you or who you gave them to...

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If you start a thread then you can 'thank' one person in that thread.
Only the person who started the thread will have the thank you button

It is meant so if you ask a question then you can thank the person who gives you the answer you wanted. You can also use it durning trading threads, but you can only thank one person per thread.

After you have thanked someone, the post you thanked will turn green

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oh oh oh! My bad! I thought you were talking about ps thank you's... not here... Ashamed

*slaps head!

Lea answered.. And keep in mind that you can only thank 1 person on the entire thread Smile

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Oh! I hadn't noticed that at all. Maybe because I haven't started very many posts. Thanks for the explanation.

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