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Lucky Strike

Clothes this week!!!

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My pet is a girl but she still looks great in the new clothes!!!!

I LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I didn't put the beard ( ) but a friend of mine that did still looks great!!!!

I even changed the color of my pet to match it even better!

And you know how rarelly i change my pet's clothes! Laughing

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i really like the watermelon dress. so cute! and i love the fact that we can put either one ribbon or two on them. really cute!

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you're right smorkle!! my kids love this weeks clothes, its soo cute!! ohh..i forgot to mention that my eldest daughters favorite fruit is WATERMELON.
and she even told me while ago that she likes this clothes as her uniform in the school, lol..last month we go to one school here, just starting to check which school is good for my daughter, as she will start schooling this September. So, we check this school named APPLE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL, while parking the car, she's talking to her dad, telling her that she doesn't like that school and she prefers to go WATERMELON school, as if there's such a school here like that..hahaha!!!

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