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My laptop...boo hoo hoo

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some of you may already know, but a couple of weeks ago, my Macbook Pro died....or so i thought it did. i took it into the Mac store and they said they'd fix it...little did i know hubby accidentally put the wrong hard drive in when i took it in and well...long story short, i got it back today and it did turn on, but when i put my hard drive back in, it still wouldn't work. i'm so sad to be without it. i've been using hubby's computer all this time and it sucks not being able to play from bed or the couch where it's comfy. i'm so lazy when i'm home sometimes, i really need my laptop so i can play in bed!! Laughing

anyhoo, i just wanted to share cuz i'm kinda bummed about it.

ok, that's all. i'm gonna go look at new items now.. *sigh*

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thats not good Sad I would be lost without my laptop now!

Hope you get it sorted hun x

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aww that's terrible!!!!!!! i would feel the same way as you did!! (actually i did...it happened to me a few months back!) i can't function without my laptop....lol...
i hope it gets fixed soon *hugs*

and thank you for the gifts!!!!!!!!!!! when i went to the stores...i almost fainted :o you are the best, Jeanie! <3

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ur welcome salwa

Yay, my laptop is finally fixed!!!!! I'm so happy to have it back. I've been on it for the last few hours! Hubby ended up putting in a new hard drive and redoing EVERYTHING after we got it back from the apple store. anyway it worked. I got everything back too cuz like a good hubby, he backs it up! didn't even know he did that. he gets some points there!!

anyhoo, i'm really excited to have it back and i'm going to be working on some new comps and games. i hope you all participate.

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smorkle wrote:
ur welcome salwa

Yay, my laptop is finally fixed!!!!! I'm so happy to have it back. I've been on it for the last few hours! Hubby ended up putting in a new hard drive and redoing EVERYTHING after we got it back from the apple store. anyway it worked. I got everything back too cuz like a good hubby, he backs it up! didn't even know he did that. he gets some points there!!

anyhoo, i'm really excited to have it back and i'm going to be working on some new comps and games. i hope you all participate.

wow your hubby is great! you are lucky. lol. Congratulations!!!!

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I'm glad to hear you've got your laptop working again Jeanie congratulations I feel completely lost whenever I don't have my laptop or when the internet is down Laughing so I know how you feel but glad it's back and you can enjoy playing games in bed again Laughing

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thanks gals! tee hee hee. playing games in bed again!!! i love it.
i'm at work right now though and tried getting on PS...no good... it kicked me off! boo!

yes, i'm sure hubby is oh so happy to be seeing me in bed playing games again - NOT!!! tee hee hee. i'm so happy it's alive again!!!

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