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Lucky Strike

What are your plans for New Years Eve?

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I'll be going to a friendly house with a few close people Smile Then we'll go out wherever we feel like at the time

What about you?

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My family and I will be walking in the city than we will come home for the stroke of midnight and will celebrate home.

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Ifyou take any pics of your city at night (this time of te year) could you post them?I'm curious to see your country in a celebrating mood Smile

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Lucky Strike wrote:
Ifyou take any pics of your city at night (this time of te year) could you post them?I'm curious to see your country in a celebrating mood Smile

Yes, I will also be posting the pictures from Tucepi and Ohrid tomorrow or the day after.

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Lucky Strike wrote:
congratulations Can't wait! Have fun tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks! You too!

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