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Updated(7E 28th Feb) February 2010 haul Pg 9

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RGSUKAN wrote:
fuyoo..at last got that $uper...congrats bro....

yes, at last..the $uper is safely in my hand now...
thanks RG!

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walao... i shud go temple for praying yesterday to get better luck for today hunting very nice hunt

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jhc7598 wrote:
wa!! great findings bro!

thanks bro!!!!!!!!!

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renji wrote:
walao... i shud go temple for praying yesterday to get better luck for today hunting very nice hunt

thanks bro!!!!!!!

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Speeddemonz wrote:
Great haul bro. Congrats. Love the Mit D Shotz.

thanks bro!! yup, that mitsu double shotz really nice!!!!!

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Raymond wrote:
great haul.........

thanks raymond!!!!!!!

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Adrian wrote:
congrats..so many T-H..

thanks adrian!!!!! just my lucky day..

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