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Extinct Animals Massive Realism Fix

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Designer: Kingcobrasaurus
What it does:
-Makes Utahraptor slightly smaller and unable to kill T Rex, and makes it so female is larger than male.
-Makes Deinonychus reach up to a person's waist rather than shoulder. Makes the male smaller than the female.
-Makes Velociraptor reach up to a person's knee rather than waist. Makes the male smaller than the female.
-Makes Stokesosaurus and Carnotaurus unable to kill T. Rex.
-Makes Protarchaeopteryx females bigger than males, and makes them unable to fly.
-Makes it so Megatherium is XLargePredator and makes males bigger than females.
-Makes dodo smaller.
-Various other things, like the zoopedia no longer says that reptiles are sauropods. Also makes most baby dinosaurs and birds smaller and influences dimorphism in supers.


Edited by SLGray

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