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Jordan's Super Zoom Hack V2

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Author:  Killers2

Requires:  ZT2 and any expansion

Language:  any

Jordan's Super Zoom Hack V2:

* The camera speed at lower zoom levels has been slowed down, in my opinion this version (V2) is an improvement. *

What makes this different from any other Zoom Hack?
1. Zoom in closer than ever before.*
2. Zoom out farther than ever before.
3. Dramatically faster camera speeds in all zoom modes.
4. Faster rotation speeds.*
5. Faster stopping while zooming in/out.*
***(I do not know of any other zoom hack that has these features!)

The following images are comparison shots of Large City Map, front right hand corner if you are looking at the back wall. Those rocks are always in the same place.

All screen shots taken while in zoom mode.
Default game max zoom in:

Jordan's Super Zoom max zoom in:

Default game max zoom out:

Jordan's Super Zoom max zoom out:

Important:Please remove any other Zoom hack you may have installed to avoid potential problems and game instability.
Replaces Jordan's Super Zoom Hack = X880_100.z2f

Installation Instructions: Just copy the file X880_102.z2f to your main game folder. Usually C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Zoo Tycoon





Edited by SLGray
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