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You Can kiss my ass, "I'm not smellin' those!"

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This is undoubtedly the most expressive picture I've ever seen of an animal

You can almost hear him say these words;

"You want me to do what?"

The look on this dog's face is priceless...

You Can kiss my ass, "I'm not smellin' those!"

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I was wondering where I'd left those..

Thanks for finding them!!

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Rose wrote:
I was wondering where I'd left those..

Thanks for finding them!!

A Bit small for you arnt they ?

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@Grumpyowl wrote:
Rose wrote:
I was wondering where I'd left those..

Thanks for finding them!!

A Bit small for you arnt they ?

They are my holdy inny ones (bridget jones!) and they fit just right. I carry me shopping home in those!!

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I carry me shopping home in those!!

I wouldn't want your shopping bill!? LMAO

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