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Honda and Farts!!

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Guest Guest
A man complains to his buddy that his farts are ... unusual.
"What do you mean?" asks his buddy.
"Well, every time I fart, it sounds like 'HONNNDDAA, HONNNDDAA."
"That's weird. I tell you what, go to this Chinese herbalist I know. He can fix anything."
So the man goes to the Chinese herbalist and demonstrates his problem. The herbalist pauses for a moment and tells the man, "You go to dentist, immediately!" The man is confused, but takes the herbalist's advice. So the dentist examines the man and promptly states, "You have a severe tooth infection." The dentist removes the infected tooth and the man's farts no longer sound like 'HONNNDDA, HONNNDDAA.'
The man's curiosity gets the better of him and he goes back to the herbalist and asks how he knew about his tooth infection.
The herbalist replies, "Well, it is like the old Chinese saying, 'Abscess makes the fart go Honda.' "

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