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Blackbird Damper Rod Bolt

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Hi everyone, brothers got a 1999 Honda cbr1100xx superblackbird the first of the injection model can't get the damper bolt out of the slider, it just turns and wont tighten or come out. I know its the damper piston turning but cant stop it. tried puting the cap back on and pushing the tube down to try and hold the damper but the bolt just turns, I cant put anything down the tube (broom shank) because the damper rod runs through the middle tried a battery impact driver still no good!(this was the last resort) stumped! Any suggestions we are starting to worry!! scratch hoping the bolt isn't threaded SadSad

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Is there a screw in the bottom? Drop the axle out & look up into the fork casting. Normally you crack the bolt prior to disassembly so you may need to put everything back & start again. Then you can remove the entire rod/cartridge assembly. Smile

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Thanks for replying jack, Yeah thats the bolt that keeps turning so the damper piston and rod wont release

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I know some manufacturers supply a special tool for this as it can be tricky. As you said normally a broom handle does it. I seem to remember someone on here fabricating something for this very job. Might have been Trebor but can't be sure. Smile

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Done a couple of seals before on a gsx750 slabby used a flat chamfereder bar to stop the damper turning. But because the Honda has the long damper rod which wont release, can't get anything down the tube.

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I was looking in my old VFR manual for some pointers, they have similar forks. Rather unhelpfully it just says to compress the slider as much as possible to exert maximum pressure on the damper rod assembly. Not exactly a scientific approach eh? Can't offer you any help I'm afraid mate. Sad

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Had a Blackbird once and worked on others for mates, luckily never had a problem as I always slacken the bolt first before taking the top off because once you take the top off you never end up with enough pressure to hold the tube to undo it even if you replace everything again as you've found out.
All forks have a special tool to hold the tube but I've never seen the 'bird one it's probably a tube with a notch at the bottom to lock the tube similar to the Bandit 1200 one. Sorted a 'bird one for a mate who'd forgot to slacken it first by the self tapper method - wrap something round the leg to protect it, piece of plastic tube or similar, screw in 2 or 3 self tappers into the seal evenly spaced then use pliers/pincers to pull the seal out, warming the area up beforehand helps to loosen/ease removal.
Hate doing it that way but needs must and it does work jdoes leave you open to scratching the tubes if you aren't careful.
You won't get all the old oil out and clean the insides before you replace the seals but you will remember to loosen the bolt first next time Very Happy

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Thanks for the replies thumbs , Thing is Bezzer I did release the bolt first but not out completely, if we did get the seal out using self tappers because the bolt underneath won't tighten or come out when new oil is added it would pour out the bottom. This morning going to try putting the fork upside down in a vice then push up on the tube with a sizzor jack and see if there is enough pressure to hold the damper from turning.....watch this space!

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It worked party fork upside down in the workmate wife and brother sat on the workmate the using a sizzor jack and a block of wood, jacked up the tube into the slider then the bolt came out no damage. New seal and fork oil in both forks and jobs a good un Very Happy . All ready for MOT tomorrow. I'm a happy bunny! Thanks for your replies smilinjack and Bezzer thumbsthumbs

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Well done always best if your struggling to pack in and go back next day or at least have a think about it before you start with the angle grinder. Good idea well done , Smile

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theres always good advice on the forums mate be wise to check it out before you start and save you lots of bother still im pleased you worked it out for yourself thumbs

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Glad you got it sorted, i wouldnt have a clue, well done guys for your advice in helping getting the job done partythumbs

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