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Blood bikes

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Just had this in an email. Any takers around Notts?

We have arranged a meeting for those people from Nottinghamshire and surrounding areas that are interested in finding out about the work of the Nationwide Association of Blood Bikes and what’s involved in starting a new group. The meeting will be in the form of a presentation, followed by a question & answer session. I would expect that the meeting will last around 2 hours, depending on the amount of discussion.
Please let me know if you can attend, so that we ensure we have enough seats etc. The meeting will start at 7pm, on Friday the 4th March 2011.

Venue details
The Black Lion Pub
Main Road
Radcliffe on Trent
NG12 2FD

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i seen something about them on emergency bikers looks interesting i think its a voluntary organisation.

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Isn't there already a SERV/Bloodrunners up that way?

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they are motorbikes that tranpsort blood to hospitals and maybe even ambulance crews for transfusions etc

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I used to be the charity co-ordinator and photographer for Herts & Beds SERV.

I also used to run the family courier company. One of our contracts was the local hospital and they spent about £2k per month on couriers. There is money set aside for this kind of transportation. Instead they chose to milk good people dry by using Bloodrunners/bikes/SERV after hours. YOU pay for all your fuel, repairs to bike and everything else. The NHS don't even give the charity a penny towards running costs. Whilst it's great that people will give their time to this, it's wrong that the NHS will pay out full rate to couriers during the day. The very least they should do is pay a nominal donation to cover drivers costs.

It suits retired riders. It's done on a rota system. There's training and equipment available by the charity. Everything else you pay for. I watched our guys run themselves into the ground for free. You ride as a charity but it's done for an organisation paid for by taxpayers. Ultimately, it's your choice and if you do it, I'm sure you'll enjoy the experience, the people and being turfed out of your bed at 2am on a freezing cold night... you can use your car btw, not just bikes.

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Very well put NoZ & echoes my initial reaction. It's a thin line between social conscience and being taken for a t**t! Very Happy

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