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Afternoon on the downs

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I decided to take the mutt for a walk up on Tennyson downs this arvo. I didn't even know it was there until last night. It's a bloody nice place to go for a stroll if you ever come to the Isle of Wight. Just be warned, it's a long way up from the car park. the pic below is not even half way up. It's so peaceful with no-one else around once you get up there. The place is huge but I couldn't see how far it does go because of the fog. I love hidden places like this.

I reckon the car park could also be a good dogging site. lol. It also a place to take a dead body if you have any enemies fofl

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trying to pull me over the edge when I was taking some of them, the little git. The dosey mutt wanted to get in the sea from that height

here's him last night. spoilt or what?

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That Looks a great place to walk the dog carefull he doesn't chase rabbits over that cliff. SadVery Happy

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@Grumpyowl wrote:
That Looks a great place to walk the dog carefull he doesn't chase rabbits over that cliff. SadVery Happy

That's what I was worried about. he's so damn thick lol!

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Excellent mate, ive only ever been to the speedway track on the isle when i used to work for newport speedway, its one of the biggest tracks Very Happythumbs great pics by the way thumbs

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