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Facebook warning

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I've just deleted my facebook account as i think its been hacked, I've deleted all friends groups etc before i done this ... so don't think ive just deleted you .....so if anyone gets a message it aint from me , just don't open it . I don't know what it does or what it is but people have been getting messages with a link when i'm not even logged in(if its porn feel free to send me the pics) .


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yes thanks for the warning Jez, thumbs I did click on it before reading your status and my antivirus went mad affraid then i got another one , so dont know whats happened there ,but think you done the right thing

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I've had that before. It's not someone hacking, it's apps that somehow get linked to your account. You can disable them. Below the message, there will be a little thing that says 'sent via ?????' (the ???? will just be whatever the name of the app is). Click on the link (it's a proper facebook link) and click 'Block app' on the left hand side of the screen. I know loads of people that this has happened to. When it happened to me, i googled the name of the app and managed to find how to disable it. I was like you and was worried that I had been hacked but luckily I hadn't.

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Mmmmm thing is ,Ive not had a message so i aint got the foggist what it is and I never click or play any of these silly games.

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@jezza wrote:
Mmmmm thing is ,Ive not had a message so i aint got the foggist what it is and I never click or play any of these silly games.

look on your profile and you will see the ones that had been sent. too late now though

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@firehawk wrote:
@jezza wrote:
Mmmmm thing is ,Ive not had a message so i aint got the foggist what it is and I never click or play any of these silly games.

look on your profile and you will see the ones that had been sent. too late now though

I can look as its deactivated , can't fully delete it as facebook has to do this and its not done yet, however i've just looked and nothing is showing I have no apps and nothing showing in my recent activity...
mind you i,m not that bothered as it should free up another 15 mins of my day Laughing

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Yeah it's a good idea to change you're passwords monthly to be on the safe side.

Yesterday I got a strange message from a friend was a bit of an odd one and I felt it did not come from the person I know either that or she was high on coke so to be on the safe side after seeing odd posts on her wall I deleted them altogether.

There is a lot of people who are gullable, like they keep on raving about them plugins to find out who's watching you, they are all shite spyware I DON'T accept game requests anymore or these plugins that do this that and the other thumbs

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