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Something strange today with the Bandit.

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Must have jinxed the old girl when I told yers that I adjusted the vaves last week then synced the Carbs.

Well today when leaving the gym, started the Bandit and she was popping and farting in one of the cylinders. Thought nothing of it thought it won't be long till she's upto temperature. The sound was like a dull banging in one of the cylinders.

Anyway as I set off I heard a pop and could see something fly out from the top of the left side of the motor Sad

It was one of the caps that you take off to fit you're rubber hoses to when you are syncing the carbs. There a pig to get to as you know, just hope I can get it back on without taking the tank off.

Sounds like she's running on 3 now but I think thats cos the seal has popped off.

Question is why would one of these just shoot off, must be under some pressure there Shocked

Had the cam running you might just see it.

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Yeah could do with some more info on this Dave as it's a strange one as to why it should blow the cover off Shocked

Rob might know when he gets on here thumbs

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@XS1100 wrote:
May be tight inlet valve.

I'm gonna have to wizz the top off again scratch ...ahhh fook if it is then thanks for the pointer XS... study

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check the tappet clearance on the inlet valve that it popped the cover off.
My Bandit also spits back in to the air box after its been stood over winter or if stood for very long periods of time,My conclusion for this is that wile its stood you will always have 2 inlet and 2 exhaust valves open,I think the damp gets in around the valve seats and for a wile say a 20/30 mile it dose this untill they reseat and the craps burnt off.
I stand to be corrected though. new herenew here

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She's used everyday m8y. I am a all weather rider lol thumbs

But no problem I shall check what you mention as that doe's make sense m8y, I'll let you know tomorrow on my findings thumbs

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Tight valve clearance or no clearance there at all. OR burnt valve.

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Hi Tim,
As already said, could be valve not sealing right, might be worth checking again although a pain to have to take off the rocker cover again.

I once had a cap spit off, she was overfilling on that cylinder at the time, once I sorted the offending float valve out it never happened again.
She won't run right till the caps replaced as she will be sucking air in through the vac cap port.

Incidentally, did u find the cap, mine ended up down the plug hole.


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Evening Rob,

Thanks m8 for the pointers Smile

Well I better make sure tomorrow, like you say a bit of a pain but it's gotta be done Smile

Yeah I sorta heard it and then could see the cap on the floor by the front wheel just as I was leaving the car park lol.

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That cap usaly goes AWOL! Never to be seen again.might be wourth a tie rap just to hold it or them in place.

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Hope you get it sorted Tim, some good advise on here to help ya Very Happythumbs

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It will be sorted tomorrow Stu thumbs

XS that's a good idea about the Tie Wrap I've got some dinky small ones knocking about thumbs

Guess I was lucky I spotted it land on the tarmac.

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