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Off out for some Super Moon shots.

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Come on peeps apparently it's a super moon the next few nights, only happens every 18 years, it's nearer to Earth, just off out with my camera, hey and no going to goole and googling moon images lol.. thumbs

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Yes the Moon looks great tonight but I think unless you can take real close up pictures with a lens the size of a dustbin its a struggle to get a picture as good as it looks if you get the jist,Ill get me coat........Prove me wrong new here

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dave it's gonna be cloudy tomorrow night m8 so get yersen out there now whilst it's clear Sad

Ok here my effort with a fuji finepix s9600 thumbs


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When I'm out in France cause I'm in the middle of no where, there is no ambient light.

We have telescope and its just amazing what we can see, nothing like it. If we get shooting stars its even better..

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Thanks Lee, not bad for the 9600 thumbs

Hiya Rose, you should be able to take some close up shots if you fit a camera to you're telescope thumbs

I love watching the shooting stars to, generally miss them here though as it's nearly always cloudy Sadthumbs

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Cracking pics thumbsthumbsthumbs It's always the problem around here (the industrial North East), too much ambient light, you can't see anything thumb down Best place I've found for "star gazing" is Scotland. Generally go up each year and stay somewhere "out of the way". no light, minimal cloud, good viewing no1partyno1party

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Cheers m8's for the thumbs up thumbs

Tonight it's supposed to be even closer to us but a bit cloudyier here today.

BanditMike that's a bummer m8 know what you mean, I'm lucky I guess that I live on the edge of our Town, 2 minute drive takes me out onto the moss farmers land etc without Street Lamps thumbs

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There very good fuji finepix s9600 did a grande job cool thumbs What settings or was it point and shoot?

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I took the shots manually for some XS and some in aperture mode, just made sure the iso settings were set to 100 and then changed the shutter settings different speeds from 1 sec to 2000 sec also set the focus to manual to get infinity focus.

I'll try and get the exif data shortly, just don't want to interupt a movie clip I'm uploading at the mo thumbs

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