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Free Day off!

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Some of you may be aware that the lovely new Coalition Government have given us all an extra day off work to celebrate two people, that I’ll never meet, getting married.

I don’t know about you but watching two people getting married that I don’t know is a bit like going down to the local church and hiding behind a grave stone in a church yard and stalking random couples, if there was as much coverage of the consummation I may watch that. fofl

As we have been given this free day off no1 , I feel it’s our right nay duty to go out and enjoy ourselves so, to this end I have decided to go out on the mbike for the day and do some miles. Hopefully in the sunshine! sunnysunny

My plan is to go to Aberystwyth and have Fish & Chips, I guess in a way it’s my attempt to be a bit patriotic and celebrate the next generation of our Royal Family.

I’ll be at Hein Gerick Aylston Road at 8:45am and be heading off at 9:00am for Aberystwyth with a stop in Worcester for coffee and fuel, a few hours mooching about and then head back possibly via the A49 and then Hereford, so we can do the Hereford to Worcester road. We should be back in Leicester sometime around 5pm ish.

If your interested see you at Hein Gerick on Aylston Road on Friday. thumbs

E.goldstein “they watching you”! Suspect

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if there was as much coverage of the consummation I may watch that. fofl

do you reckon they have really posh sex or do you reckon they go at it like rabbits? Something i've always wondered about the royals

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@firehawk wrote:
if there was as much coverage of the consummation I may watch that. fofl

do you reckon they have really posh sex or do you reckon they go at it like rabbits? Something i've always wondered about the royals

No they have servants to do it ShockedLaughing

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@firehawk wrote:
if there was as much coverage of the consummation I may watch that. fofl

do you reckon they have really posh sex or do you reckon they go at it like rabbits? Something i've always wondered about the royals

Get em up against the wall & shoot em. Then they'd be royally f***ed!! Very Happy

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Weetabix dont understand the word bank holiday, I'm off anyway coz thats how my shifts fall but no favors for us

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As they are as posh as you can get and Victoria Beckham was too posh to push I guess they use IVF!

That way no common sweat stuff, anyway She is only a commoner don’t you know “put
your best posh voice on” can you see the future King of England sticking in a

WOOooo hang on that may have happened once or twice thought history! lol!

Anyway back to the ride out anyone coming?

If you’ll forgive the crudity considering the subject matter above.

E.goldstein “they watching you”! Suspect

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