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Feed back from tyres

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as the topic says how do you read the feed back from the tyres how do you know when your close to the edge and pushing them? just always interested me...

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To an extent that's something you'll learn having used the tyres you have fitted. Interestingly the Maxxis still have about 10mm of chicken strip yet I'm leaning the bike at least as far as I have previously, maybe more. I always got the edge on my Continentals scratch perhaps someone can explain the physics of that one.
On most bikes TBH you'll likely ground the pegs or exhaust before you run out of rubber. Smile

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when i start sliding i know ive gone too far and pull it back but thats only with bridgestones. scratch

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Who removed the other thread on this topic???????????????

I wrote a shed load on the subject

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i double posted my mistake, website was going too slow lol

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Well Im not writing it again can admin cut & past it back in?? thumbs


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@darkember wrote:
Who removed the other thread on this topic???????????????

I wrote a shed load on the subject

@darkember wrote:
Well Im not writing it again can admin cut & past it back in?? thumbs


sorry m8 , stuee deleted one topic because it was posted twice, cant find your post sorry but stuee done right , sorry we lost yours and we cant always get it right , the forum would be in a worst mess with out the work stuee puts in , sorry it affected you this time Embarassed

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Im sorry Wil, i deleted the second one that had been posted as im deleting i cant see if anyone is in the middle of typing soz mate, ile buy you another coffee on our next meet up thumbs

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@day101 wrote:
as the topic says how do you read the feed back from the tyres how do you know when your close to the edge and pushing them? just always interested me...
dont really know Embarassed I have road pilots 2 on mine and feel very confident with them , but think its down to the miles i have been putting in , just hope i dont get too confident and come off affraid

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ive got the maxxis sport tourers on mine, chicken strip on the right side is smaller than the left so i must be doing summat wrong lol scratch

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@pugeyed wrote:
ive got the maxxis sport tourers on mine, chicken strip on the right side is smaller than the left so i must be doing summat wrong lol scratch
Thats roundabouts Mark thumbs

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@day101 wrote:
as the topic says how do you read the feed back from the tyres how do you know when your close to the edge and pushing them? just always interested me...

Deciding how far over to go is all about confidence and feed back the only way you can tell is to relax your grip and soften you elbows and shoulders and feel what is going on with the front and back. Pick a smooth bit of road “if you can find one” and do the same set of bends each time but just lean the bike over a bit more. See how it feel try and put the power on at the same point slowly Not a big hand full! Slowly increase the amount of power once you have found a happy lean angle. put more power on at the same lean angle

As for reading a tyre if you look about half way in from the edge to the center, if your tyre looks a bit ruffed up then you putting power into the tyre when lend over. If you a netter or have very soft tyre and a lot of power then you can leave darkeys on the road, not sure which one I am but I have been know to leave darkeys two up out of islands. And I wander why my ribs hurt!Shocked

If you push the front tyre you will see much like the back it’ll get ruffed up. I do push the front quit a bit is not a good habit but on the BM K12s I don’t get a lot of feed back from the front so I seem to over compensate by pushing when I am riding hard.

Grip levels change if you change the tyre pressure the grip will either come back or go away, old tyre E.G worn tyre give out less grip, if you have ridden a set of tyre from new to worn you’ll know about the change in grip.

Soz waffled on a bit but in conclusion look as the surface of the tyre and think what force’s are at work on the tyre and road.

Good tip I all ways look at other bikers tyre you know the one's that do track dayz strait the way the surface of the tyre is all torn and rolled up and a bit melted QED the tyre has been over worked!

Right off home now the get the sander out and make it look I ride like number 46 foflfoflfofl

E.goldstein “they watching you”! Suspect

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best thing to do is learn youre tyres and see how much you have left and if you want to push em harder then follow a faster rider on a smiliar bike and try to mach in the corners, you know its safe cos they rider in front just maged it so can you. as far as nowing the limit the only real way is to know the feel of youre tyres and when grip is geting short.

basically pick a tyre that suites youre needs and have as much fun as you can.

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@airlock wrote:
best thing to do is learn youre tyres and see how much you have left and if you want to push em harder then follow a faster rider on a smiliar bike and try to mach in the corners, you know its safe cos they rider in front just maged it so can you. as far as nowing the limit the only real way is to know the feel of youre tyres and when grip is geting short.

basically pick a tyre that suites youre needs and have as much fun as you can.
I hear what your saying mate, but your riding a thin line if you follow someones exact path, even the most experianced rider can make mistakes, if its something you do please be carefull as you could end up in the edge, you should ride to your own limits and know them, ride safe and stay safe thumbs

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@Stue11 wrote:
@airlock wrote:
best thing to do is learn youre tyres and see how much you have left and if you want to push em harder then follow a faster rider on a smiliar bike and try to mach in the corners, you know its safe cos they rider in front just maged it so can you. as far as nowing the limit the only real way is to know the feel of youre tyres and when grip is geting short.

basically pick a tyre that suites youre needs and have as much fun as you can.
I hear what your saying mate, but your riding a thin line if you follow someones exact path, even the most experianced rider can make mistakes, if its something you do please be carefull as you could end up in the edge, you should ride to your own limits and know them, ride safe and stay safe thumbs

good point, gotta know youre limits and they may not be the same as evreyone elses, and some might just be stupid and luckly.

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@airlock wrote:
@Stue11 wrote:
@airlock wrote:
best thing to do is learn youre tyres and see how much you have left and if you want to push em harder then follow a faster rider on a smiliar bike and try to mach in the corners, you know its safe cos they rider in front just maged it so can you. as far as nowing the limit the only real way is to know the feel of youre tyres and when grip is geting short.

basically pick a tyre that suites youre needs and have as much fun as you can.
I hear what your saying mate, but your riding a thin line if you follow someones exact path, even the most experianced rider can make mistakes, if its something you do please be carefull as you could end up in the edge, you should ride to your own limits and know them, ride safe and stay safe thumbs

good point, gotta know youre limits and they may not be the same as evreyone elses, and some might just be stupid and luckly.

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