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Bros sold need another

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u after a bro's or just asnouthe bike as we should have a diversion 600 naked for sale within the next 2 weeks or so

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u after a bro's or just asnouthe bike as we should have a diversion 600 naked for sale within the next 2 weeks or so

No m8 the Bros was a great bike just need something a bit bigger in height
like an XL DT XT enduro type bike thumbs

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thought you meant these guys I love youI love youI love you

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NoZ wrote:
thought you meant these guys I love youI love youI love you


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Funny that, I thought the same. The first ever cassette I owned was one of theirs. Not by choice you understand. I was about 4/5 and was given it by my oldest sis who didn't want it any more. I was young and naive.

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NoZ wrote:
thought you meant these guys I love youI love youI love you

Me too, they were the loves of my life when i was in primary school I love youI love you
OMG that makes me sound really old affraidaffraid

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@mrsstue11 wrote:
NoZ wrote:
thought you meant these guys I love youI love youI love you

Me too, they were the loves of my life when i was in primary school I love youI love you
OMG that makes me sound really old affraidaffraid
lol!lol!lol! have you got that pic or Stue ?

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@Davehutch wrote:
@mrsstue11 wrote:
NoZ wrote:
thought you meant these guys I love youI love youI love you

Me too, they were the loves of my life when i was in primary school I love youI love you
OMG that makes me sound really old affraidaffraid
lol!lol!lol! have you got that pic or Stue ?
Def not me blarblarblarLaughing

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Good job i have a couple to look at tomorrow thumbsfinger

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