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solar power

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Hi all wonderd if some of you kind people could advice me on solar power

Ive just had a guy round from this company

apparently I could have free solar panels installed on my roof,as my house faces south

this is a goverment insentive,and this will provide 3.5kw maybe 4kw of free electric through the day only,but doesnt store it

has anyone else been approached about this type of thing

now I aint no electrical wizard so heres what I need to know

is 3.5kw alot of power,would we save money by useing it

what im thinking is,the wife works shifts so on afters washing machne on through the day,tumble dryer ect ect

winter time couple of electic oil heaters through the day instead of the gch

electric shower could be used more through the day sure you all get where Im comeing from

bare in mind the solar panels will only give free electric through the day

another thing would the house look daft with a roof coverd in solar panels,but on the other hand if we ever sold,surely a house with free electric is a good selling point
you cant take it with you

nothing is set in concrete,as I like to do my home work first

and I do know to buy these panels is a fortune and they take atleast 12 years to pay for them selfs before you benefit from them

hope the above makes sence to what ive been offerd thumbs

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be VERY careful what you sign,some companies have been known to demand the differance in value that the panels make to your house if you sell it,i.e. if your house is worth £10,000 more with the panels fitted if you sell they come looking for a cheque for the £10,000

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A bloke at work got solar last year, he said the double glazing gang has jumped on the band wagon, so do your homework well matey or you will get ripped off.

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There was a bloke on dragons den last night with his company with his solar panels

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ITCHY wrote:
A bloke at work got solar last year, he said the double glazing gang has jumped on the band wagon, so do your homework well matey or you will get ripped off.
the second link exsplains it rich,seems these companys are makeing the money not the house owner

just thought i would see if anyone here has it or knows of it

There makeing a tidy little profit fightingfighting

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Best to wait & see if the Gov will start to hand out loans & then fit it yourself & get the full benefit

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My cousin is a spark, he's not long since finished his Photovoltaic course. Appparantly the "Fits" will be reducing next year to below 30p. Some of these companies may well change their "rates" at that time. As said before, check thoroughly before signing up.

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@Davehutch wrote:
there is nothing for nothing Lee thumb downcensored them off smack
Iam dave now I know a bit more about it

all your doing is leaseing your roof really for some company to make money bye putting power into the grid via your roof

aint going to happen on my house

going to let the old dear komw next door thats where they went first then here


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@lee wrote:
@Davehutch wrote:
there is nothing for nothing Lee thumb downcensored them off smack
Iam dave now I know a bit more about it

all your doing is leaseing your roof really for some company to make money bye putting power into the grid via your roof

aint going to happen on my house

going to let the old dear komw next door thats where they went first then here

Yea make sure you do mate, its them folk they take advantage of most thumbs

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