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What bikes this then?

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For a free gift of a Brand new Red moto GP Balacalva good for winter riding and London shopping Smile
What make of bike is this????

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good question gaz ive got two but unsure, yale or douglas?

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a bloody old triumph Smile W-twin pos? Would say pope motorcycle, but doesnt look right..

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its german ent it.. which is why i thought of the w-twin triumph Smile

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Nope nice one though thumbs I am keeping watch don't worry if I don't always reply Cool Its the spirit of the age wrecks yer head.

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is it an old arieal?

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@dick65 wrote:

Dick wins its a James 600cc 1920. thumbs

Dave came in with a close 2nd thumbs

Every one else well done rain

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Only if you backed it each way Dave.
I might find summat in the Cavern be affraid very affraid

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