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Bob Calvert look what I found?

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YEP! 104G!!!!!!! Danish air force how cool was that find I was well chuffed :)Bet you don't know what the G stands for?

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cool past docks etc local theirs planes, tanks the lot parked up on other size of wire fence

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Looks like A Fokker-built, German-owned F-104G in USAF markings in August 1979

May be Fokker Built a few and sold them on to the Danes?Interesting
Also G for Gott strafe England... (God punish England)- - this I am enjoying.

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that makes sense Smilethumbs lot of weird stuff going on during the cold war thumbs

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Yes the Germans Bought many 104s and had them pointing at Russia on ramps with rockets attached to there under carrage for super fast take off.
the F-104 was modified in many ways. The F-104 G was created for the Federal Air Force, a multipurpose version which was no longer just a fighter but reconnaissance plane and fighter-bomber as well.
The Germans wanted 750! but where only allowed ?

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Humm the Star fighter was a widow maker more suited for space travel due to the wing size which made it fast but highly unstable.

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Hi yes it is.
The Starfight was good at high altitude and for going fast any thing else hopeless.
But thay did'ent all crash.Smilethumbs

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Guest Guest
what do u think the insurance on that would b? i imagine the mpg is a bit steep.

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Guest Guest
also thats just plane cool.

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