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I think he's hearding rhinos in Ethiopia with the aide of spetialy trianed ferrets, one of witch may very well be called colin. He is doing this in the hope that he will be able to earn enough money to build a working time machine that can take him bak 4 years in order to enable him to kill his past self so that his past self never undertakes any bandit related projects that are otherwise destined to consume his very Being for the rest of eternity. I'm sure all our prayers are with him and his noble endeavour. unfortunately the risk is that due to the paradox that this self execution will inflict on the universe one of two things may occur. firstly a hole will be ripped in the very fabric of time and space resulting ultimately in either the immediate failure of anything ever to exist or reality were all of human kind is destined to meet themselves leaving the house on the way to the shops and talk to there past or present selves witch would be infuriating as quite frankly we dont like mirrors much so we wont like bumping into ourselves. the other equally tragic event would be that matt will never have existed and colins very purpose in life will be removed and he will be a homeless, jobless and very sad ferret who will always know that an important part of his destiny has been robbed from him leading him to spiral into depression and destroy himself with drugs, alcohol and self abuse.....on the other hand matt could just be a bit busy but i find this particular theory frankly ridiculous and needlessly complicated.

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hes about. was on the rideout post last night. haveing a right laugh. calling stue and dave "the fat bald one and the other fat bald one!" Laughingthumbs

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