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turkish lira?

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ive just found loads of foreign coins in an old draw in my room. however just found a 1970 500,000 turkish lira note. is it still worth anything?

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in 2004 1,350,000 lira was worth a dollar so i would say probably wouldnt be a good idea to tell the boss where to stick his job just yet

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what job? lmao!!

and alrite thanx. typed it in and its said nearly £200 but worked out lira has changed since!

wonderd if its collectable.

like mum has a bottle of vodka from when russia was soemthing!

cant remember now! erm might be when they had royal family, or a dimocracy or one of them i get confused lmao

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nicked some stuff cant remember what it was. replaced the bit i nicked with cold tea. simular colour. dad thought it was off lmao!

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chad i remember when i was your age my mum went away for the weekend me and my bro cleaned the drinks cabinet out, she came home early found me and bro lying in vomit with empty bottles everywhere i cant remember all that happened but it wasnt pleasent ahh great days thumbs

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when i went to turkery in 95, it was 65,000L to the £ - I think. Aren't they Euro now over there?

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no its still lira but they de valued (if thats the right word) their currency its now about 2.75 lira to the pound

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NoZ wrote:
when i went to turkery in 95, it was 65,000L to the £ - I think. Aren't they Euro now over there?

No, thank Feck, we don't need that. It would open up all EU borders Shocked We have been fighting to keep Turkey out of the EU for sometime..

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NoZ wrote:
when i went to turkery in 95, it was 65,000L to the £ - I think. Aren't they Euro now over there?

I used to go there quite often for work in the 90's & yes, that rate sounds right to me Shocked you needed a fistful of cash to get a coffee. In fact we used to pay for most services like taxis with dollars or Deutschmarks. Happy days Smile

And yes Rose, WHEN that lot get into the EU, and it will happen, the entire edifice will go IMHO. Smile

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