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Speeding ticket

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So keen was I to get out of that godforsaken hole known as Scotland that I forgot their favourite trick of speed traps in the last few miles before the border and civilisation. Sure enough I've been whacked for £60 & 3 points. Think that puts me on more points than Forest until around Christmas. Nobody's fault but mine as the song goes......... Sad

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thats a sod mate, i was up there last week but kept it legal til i passed gretna.

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M74 on the edge of a bridge that gets you as you come over a crest by any chance?


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Unlucky Alan still your helping keep the place fit for porridge wogs

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@Macie_UK wrote:
M74 on the edge of a bridge that gets you as you come over a crest by any chance?


Bullseye my friend. 82 mph.

Unlucky, especially at such a low speed. I once came over that crest at something in excess of censored , but fortunately my boss was in the car in front Laughing

I had to do a trip to Glasgow every two weeks - sometimes I didn't see any plod on the M74, sometimes they were at 5 or 6 spots - it got to the point where I just wouldn't chance it any more, chuck the cruise control to 78 and listen to the radio - even at 5 am!

It's a bit like a wannabe independence tax - you pay at the bridge for Wales and at the speed traps for Scotland angry

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@Macie_UK wrote:
@Macie_UK wrote:
M74 on the edge of a bridge that gets you as you come over a crest by any chance?


Bullseye my friend. 82 mph.

Unlucky, especially at such a low speed. I once came over that crest at something in excess of censored , but fortunately my boss was in the car in front Laughing

I had to do a trip to Glasgow every two weeks - sometimes I didn't see any plod on the M74, sometimes they were at 5 or 6 spots - it got to the point where I just wouldn't chance it any more, chuck the cruise control to 78 and listen to the radio - even at 5 am!

It's a bit like a wannabe independence tax - you pay at the bridge for Wales and at the speed traps for Scotland angry

Tap Tap Tap bikers do not pay at the bridge into Wales. Not since the late 80's due to Hogging the bridge. Note you do have to pay over the Humber though fightingfighting

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@darkember wrote:
Tap Tap Tap bikers do not pay at the bridge into Wales. Not since the late 80's due to Hogging the bridge. Note you do have to pay over the Humber though fightingfighting

Yebbut no-one would want go to *South* Wales on a bike Laughing

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Happens to the best of us mate. Just be glad they didn't catchyou 10 mins earlier or later where you may or may not have been doing more.

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youll be needing a passport soon for scotland therell be check points at gretna Laughing

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