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feel Bad :-(

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Just cut some lad up on his bike , and what do cage drivers always say ? " I DIDN'T SEE YOU " well I didnt Embarassed luckily he seen me and stopped (it was wet as well) , wish he had stopped long enough for me to have told him how sorry I was sorry

so be careful out there guys

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see what makes it worse is some people dont think about cagers blind spots. Im sure we have all done it Embarassed

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Chill your beans mate, we have all had slip ups at some time or another, at least you won't do it again for a while thumbs

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I would feel bad to mate im ashamed of you Twisted EvilOnly kidding mate it happens to us all from time to time were only human thumbs

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The only difference in the 2 photo's is you have a tan in the 1st Laughing

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Tut tut.

And he was abit younger in the first Shocked
Very true Chad but to be fair to Dave, specsavers wernt around when he needed them Laughinghide

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