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found this in a skip

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record quick release engineers vice works fine just needs cleaned

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Good find Dick ,was there owt to eat in there? kin starving.

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its mine it feel out my pocket when i came to see the cows fofl good find cheers

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got some smaller ones but this ones major,no food in there gaz,and finders keepers garry Laughingthumbs

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as you have not spotted that 2 pound coin stuck to it , i shall declare that as mine. please pop it in the post to me , i shall pm you my address. thumbs

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@jezza wrote:
as you have not spotted that 2 pound coin stuck to it , i shall declare that as mine. please pop it in the post to me , i shall pm you my address. thumbs

nice one jezza your the first to mention it Laughingthumbs

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Laughing no mate,its a nationwide thing Smile you wouldnt beleive what ive found over the years in skips thumbs

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@dick65 wrote:
Laughing no mate,its a nationwide thing Smile you wouldnt beleive what ive found over the years in skips thumbs

I found this in a skip

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