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Donate old clotheing..

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As ive got this avo off from work im doing my annual clotheing clearout, i bag up what i dont wear and drop em off to the charity shops in town, ive also donated a coat this year as it goes to folk who need them most thumbs thats my good deed for xmas sorted and hopefully someone can benefit from my genourosity, just waiting for the last lot to dry and of to the shops i go thumbs

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The last time we done that we put all the clothes on the bed ,then put them in bags and down to the shop,
When we got in to bed that night we had no remotes for the tv & recorder Sad spent the next week blaming each other blarblarblar

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Saw this and thought Dave was looking for work clothes again foflfofl

Good on you Stue. Credit for the gesture thumbsthumbs

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good on ya stue,the local tips have clotheing skips that go to charity aswell thumbsthumbs

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@Davehutch wrote:
Did you throw you JLS shirt out ?? Very Happy
doubt it,there must be some big homeless people out his way

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i always take the wife and kids old clothes to the local air ambulance donation skip. mine are never fit to take as they are usually knackered by the time i have finished with them.

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