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on ebay what do you think

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My opinion. Keep away unless you want an abused piece of machinery.

FUN MACHINE used for tricks usually indicates worn out crap at the point of sale.

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oo the judge, isnt that on its 3rd rebuild now? didnt it go pop on the dyno on its second rebuild if i remember correctly? nice bot if "Flame grilled" engineering lol

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@fr499y wrote:
oo the judge, isnt that on its 3rd rebuild now? didnt it go pop on the dyno on its second rebuild if i remember correctly? nice bot if "Flame grilled" engineering lol

Yes, its eaten a motor.

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@fr499y wrote:
oo the judge, isnt that on its 3rd rebuild now? didnt it go pop on the dyno on its second rebuild if i remember correctly? nice bot if "Flame grilled" engineering lol

Yes, its eaten a motor.

Not because its not useable, Its been all
over and does some serious mileage, club runs,
trips to the drags etc.
More like the amount of boost and abuse it gets !

OMG the bloke sitting on it shat his self never seen nothing like before with a bike Shocked

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