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painting endcans

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I noticed the inside of the strom cans are a bit rusty, these are steel
(I think), what can be seen is just a cover. Can I clean them up and paint them and if so with what?
While I'm here the inside of the discs are a bit rusty clean up or paint?

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i painted bandit with the blakc paint i used on my forks etc, but its cos it was ally, if its steel you need high temp paint, got get vht high temp its crap, or get some pj1 exhaust paint thats pretty good stuff.

also discs can be funny id try a clean but opaint tends to chip my sv ones are like that so guna polish it out. thumbs

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i painted bandit with the blakc paint i used on my forks etc, but its cos it was ally, if its steel you need high temp paint, got get vht high temp its crap, or get some pj1 exhaust paint thats pretty good stuff.

also discs can be funny id try a clean but opaint tends to chip my sv ones are like that so guna polish it out. thumbs

good idea, i have a polishing kit thumbs

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stove paint works very well , thumbs they use it on log buner;s etc

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